Top 7 Japanese weight gain milks for children over 1 year old that are safe

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If their child is stunted or underweight, surely every parent will be very worried. To overcome this situation, the most commonly used advice is Japanese weight gain milk products for children over 1 year old. Because it is clearly effective, safe, and suitable for the taste and physical condition of Asian children.

1. Signs that you should use Japanese weight gain milk for children over 1 year old

Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for infants and young children. However, in some unavoidable cases, the use of additional formula milk is also necessary (advice from a doctor or specialist is required). Normally, the following are the conditions that mothers should use Japanese weight gain milk for children over 1 year old.

1.1 The baby has a small body shape and weighs much less than the standard

This is the easiest sign to recognize, parents can measure it by comparing the baby’s actual weight with the following standard weight measurement table:

Top 7 Japanese weight gain milks for children over 1 year old that are safe
Weight and height measurement table according to WHO World Health standards (Photo:
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1.2 Babies breastfeed very little, less than 8 times/day

The average number of daily feedings in newborns will normally range from 8-12 times/day with an interval between feedings of 2-3 hours. Each time your baby can breastfeed for about 20 minutes or faster/longer. Therefore, if the baby shows signs of breastfeeding less than usual and is small for its age, parents can consider giving the baby more water. Japanese weight gain milk for children over 1 year old.

1.3 Children often cry

Different from the situation where babies cry when they are hungry or startled. If your baby cries more than usual, cries persistently, sucks poorly or lacks sleep, it can also be a sign of slow weight gain.

1.4 Baby does not gain weight for 2-3 consecutive months

Slow weight gain may be a normal phenomenon, but if your baby does not gain weight for many consecutive months, he or she may be having digestive problems.

2. Top 7 Japanese weight gain milks for children over 1 year old

Below are the top 7 types Japanese milk increases weight for babies over 1 year old Good domestic and imported products, safe for babies that parents should refer to:

2.1 Japanese weight gain milk Meiji No. 9

Reference price: 320,000 VND/box of 800g

Top 7 Japanese weight gain milks for children over 1 year old that are safe
Japanese weight gain milk for children over 1 year old Meiji No. 9 (Photo: Kids Plaza)
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Meiji Milk No. 9 is a popular Japanese domestic milk line in Vietnam, specialized for children from 1-3 years old. In particular, when your baby drinks 400ml of Meiji No. 9 milk every day, it will help provide 100% of the body’s necessary iron and calcium. Thanks to that, the baby will develop well in both height and physique.

Not only that, this type of milk also has a nutritional composition very similar to breast milk, so it is suitable for young children, helping strengthen bones without causing side effects. Besides, Japanese weight gain milk for 1 year old babies This is also rich in DHA and minerals for comprehensive height and brain development. At the same time, FOS supplementation is very good for the baby’s weak small intestine, limiting the risk of constipation and indigestion.

2.2 Morinaga milk No. 9

Reference price: 299,000 VND/box of 820g

Top 7 Japanese weight gain milks for children over 1 year old that are safe
Morinaga weight gain milk No. 9 (Photo: Kids Plaza)
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Morinaga Milk No. 9 is another Japanese domestic milk line for children from 1-3 years old that helps provide optimal nutrients for their comprehensive development. Although this type of milk helps your baby gain weight, it will not increase weight quickly but only at a reasonable level, promoting uniform development between height and weight. Not only that, this type of milk is also very good for the digestive system, increasing the baby’s resistance and thinking ability.

2.3 Kazu Gain Gold 1+ Milk

Reference price: 219,000 VND/can of 350g

Top 7 Japanese weight gain milks for children over 1 year old that are safe
Japanese weight gain milk Kazu Gain Gold 1+ (Photo: AiwadoShop)
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Kazu Gain Gold milk is produced using international processes and raw materials sourced entirely from Japan, so it produces high quality products, ensuring safety for babies. Main ingredients in the category Japanese weight gain milk for children This includes a set of 3 super proteins (milk protein, soy protein, whey protein) rich in nutrients, helping absorption and supporting digestion. Besides, it contains DHA, ARA, Choline and Taurine to help develop the brain and vision.

Your baby will absorb better and not be constipated thanks to the trio of soluble fibers GOS, FOS and HMO combined with beneficial bacteria available in Japanese milk.

2.4 Wakodo milk No. 2

Reference price: 450,000 VND/830g can

Top 7 Japanese weight gain milks for children over 1 year old that are safe
Wakodo Milk No. 2 (Photo: Milk for babies)
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Wakodo milk No. 2 ensures strict Japanese standards with outstanding nutritional ingredients, dissolves quickly in water even at normal temperatures, so it is easy to digest and absorb. The product contains 2′-FL HMO which is good for the immune system. At the same time, supplement DHA and AA necessary for brain and vision. Rich in Zinc, Iodine, and B vitamins to increase absorption and help gain healthy weight.

2.5 Glico Icreo Milk No. 1

Reference price: 280,000 VND/820g can

Top 7 Japanese weight gain milks for children over 1 year old that are safe
Glico Icreo Milk No. 1 (Photo: Bibo Mart)
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Glico Icreo milk is a Japanese brand that was born in 1922, so it ensures quality and safety. Milk has a delicious taste, is easy to drink and is balanced with micronutrients to help your baby develop both height – brain – digestion. In particular, Japanese weight gain milk for children 1-3 years old Glico Icreo No. 1 also adds Beta-carotene to help enhance immune cell activity, helping your baby stay healthy. Possesses 05-Nucleotide chain to support healthy intestines, increase digestion and nutrient absorption.

2.6 Snowbaby Milk No. 3

Reference price: 398,000 VND/can of 900g

Top 7 Japanese weight gain milks for children over 1 year old that are safe
Snowbaby Milk No. 3 (Photo: Kids Plaza)
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Snowbaby number 3 is Japanese weight gain milk for 3 year old children with optimal nutrients from new research from the Sapporo Dairy Science Institute. Therefore, using this product regularly will help your baby grow in height, physically and mentally. Not only does it contain substances that are good for bones such as calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus, Snowbaby No. 3 milk also adds vitamin K to help prevent osteoporosis.

2.7 BeanStalk Milk 9-3

Reference price: 535,000 VND / 800g can

Top 7 Japanese weight gain milks for children over 1 year old that are safe
BeanStalk 9-3 Milk (Photo: AKITA – Japanese goods for the whole family)
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BeanStalk 9-3 milk with soybean extract helps provide DHA, vitamins and minerals for the early stages of baby’s development from 9 months – 3 years old. The product can be used for babies with cow’s milk allergy and indigestion. In addition, with a delicious, less sweet flavor, it is very popular with lactating babies.

3. Notes when giving your baby Japanese weight gain milk

Although the Japanese weight gain milk line Very good and rich in nutrients, but when using it you also need to note:

  • Be sure to use the correct dosage according to the manufacturer’s instructions and do not use too much
  • Monitor weight gain to ensure your baby is growing. If it is not suitable, you should change to another type
  • For newborn babies, you should continue to breastfeed every 2-3 hours and do not skip night feedings
  • Mix milk according to the manufacturer’s temperature to ensure effectiveness
  • Combine with diet for healthy weight gain

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