Review everything about I Am Chook milk, price, place of production, ingredients

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Although I Am Chook Milk was launched a long time ago and is very famous for its baby milk line, very few people know about it in Vietnam. Therefore, this article will help you answer all questions about this type of milk from price, origin, ingredients and product uses, etc.

1. Which country is I Am Chook milk from?

I Am Chook Milk is a line of specially formulated milk for children from 0-10 years old, helping to comprehensively develop height – weight – brain. The product meets international standards and QCVN regulations and is suitable for circulation in Vietnam. This is a line of milk imported 100% from New Zealand with a delicious taste and is very easy to drink, suitable for children’s taste.

Currently, I Am Chook milk is being distributed on the market with 2 main product lines to meet different ages:

  • I Am Chook Milk No. 1 Suitable for babies from 0-12 months old: Helps supplement nutrients, strengthen the immune system and resistance of children in their tender stages.
  • I Am Chook Milk No. 2 Suitable for children from 1-10 years old: With a specially formulated formula to support children’s comprehensive development of height – weight – brain during adulthood.
Review everything about I Am Chook milk, price, place of production, ingredients
I Am Chook Milk No. 1 and No. 2 (Photo: Viet Phap Pharmacy 1)

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2. Ingredients and uses of I Am Chook milk

Each different type of milk will contain different ingredients to meet the digestive system at each age and purpose of use. On average, each 850g can of I Am Chook milk will include the following substances:

  • I Am Chook No. 1 milk ingredient list includes: colostrum, DHA, ARA, Calcium and Lysine. In particular, colostrum and lysine act as a natural antibiotic, safe for the baby without causing side effects, similar to the effects of breast milk. In addition, DHA and ARA help avoid respiratory infections and wheezing. Not only that, supplementing DHA is also very important for brain and retina functioning. Calcium helps strengthen bones and joints and supports tooth and nail development.
Review everything about I Am Chook milk, price, place of production, ingredients
Table of ingredients for I Am Chook milk No. 1 (Photo: Viet Phap Pharmacy 1)

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  • The ingredient list of I Am Chook No. 2 milk is almost the same as No. 1 milk, retaining the same colostrum, DHA and Calcium ingredients. At the same time, two new substances are added: Choline, which promotes nerve cell development and helps enhance memory and learning ability, and MK7, which helps convert Calcium from the blood into bones and helps bones stay supple by increasing the amount of Collagen in them. in bones.
Review everything about I Am Chook milk, price, place of production, ingredients
Information about I Am Chook No. 2 milk (Photo: Viet Phap Pharmacy 1)

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Besides the above substances, each type of milk also adds many other nutrients that play equally important roles such as vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, K1,… to help strengthen the immune system. baby’s resistance and height development. Rich in zinc, iron, sodium, phosphorus to help metabolize substances. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are necessary for brain and nervous system development. Especially containing large amounts of soluble fiber FOS helps babies absorb nutrients better, avoiding constipation and indigestion.

These are all essential and necessary nutrients for babies during infancy and development, so when choosing to buy milk, parents need to pay attention to choosing products with these substances.

In addition to the above effects, I Am Chook powdered milk also helps your baby improve anorexia during the recovery period after illness or slow weight gain in children. From there, your baby will eat well, sleep better, and quickly catch up with normal development. However, this is only a support product, not a medicine, so it has no curative effect. Therefore, when using it, you should still combine it with direct examination at hospitals or clinics to receive more advice from doctors and nutritionists.

3. I Am Chook milk price

General, I Am Chook milk price Currently on the market it is not too expensive, located in the mid-range segment so it is suitable for many families. As follows:

  • The price of I Am Chook milk No. 1 is 530,000 VND/can of 850g
  • The price of I Am Chook milk No. 2 is 530,000 VND/can of 850g

Prices updated until June 15, 2024 and may change from time to time

4. Instructions for using I Am Chook milk properly I Am Chook formula milk

    There are 2 different types suitable for 2 different ages, so when choosing to buy, mothers should look carefully to avoid choosing the wrong one, leading to the milk not being able to take full effect. Besides, using it correctly also helps ensure your health and brings the best results. You can refer to the following notes for better use:

  • To ensure the quality of milk, mothers should give it to their babies immediately after mixing it or just leave it outside in the air for a maximum of 1 hour to avoid the milk being damaged or denatured.

  • Leftover milk that is not finished will be thrown away or the mother can drink it for the baby. Do not leave it and store it in the refrigerator to reheat for the baby to use next time.

  • You should use the correct dosage and water temperature as above in the instructions for use to ensure that the milk when mixed does not lose its quality or reduce its effectiveness. The best water temperature is recommended when brewing I Am Chook powdered milk
  • is 50 degrees Celsius.

  • The ratio of milk quantity for each age is different. The older the baby, the higher the dosage. Mothers can refer to the dosage in the following table:


Number of spoons

Water amount (ml)

Number of drinks/day

0-1 month




1-2 months




4-6 months




>6 months




Above are the I Am Chook milk review

in the most detail, providing full information about price, origin, and reasonable dosage so that parents can refer to it for their children. Hopefully with this information, parents will have useful information and better understand this Korean milk brand.

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