The Aqua AQW-S90CT washing machine was launched 2 years ago but is still ‘expensive as hotcakes’ thanks to this!

Skip to main content in article(see) The Aqua AQW-S90CT washing machine was manufactured in 2022 but is still popular with many people because of its low price and unique design. A special feature of the product is that it does not have a detergent compartment like a conventional washing machine. 1. Introducing the Aqua 9kg […]

Is SOS shower gel for cats good?

Skip to main content in article(see) Reviewing SOS shower gel for cats from origin, ingredients, quality, safety, scent, and price below will help you find the correct answer to the question: Is SOS shower gel for cats effective? Is it good? Among the many cat shower gel brands sold in Vietnam today, SOS shower gel […]

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What is the most effective shower gel to treat ticks and lice for cats?

Skip to main content in article(see) Are parasitic mites on the body making your cat uncomfortable and itchy? Have you used some anti-tick shampoos for cats but they are not as effective as expected? Don’t worry, we will reveal to you some super effective cat flea treatment shower gels that are most trusted by many […]

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What kind of shower gel is best for puppies?

Skip to main content in article(see) Just like babies, puppies have quite immature and sensitive skin, so when choosing shower gel for them, you should also choose the right product to avoid irritation. Using unsuitable shower gel for puppies will cause skin irritation, affecting their health and development. Therefore, when choosing shower gel for puppies, […]

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Alaskan dog food group is always healthy and intelligent

Skip to main content in article(see) If you are wondering what foods are for Alaskan dogs, absolutely do not miss our article below. When raised in Vietnam, Alaskan dogs often suffer from intestinal and digestive diseases. According to experts specializing in raising Alaskan dogs, the main reason is that breeders do not know how to […]

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Revealing the food for mother dogs nursing their puppies is always filled with milk

Skip to main content in article(see) What is the food for a mother dog to feed her puppies to always have a lot of milk? This is a question that many dog ​​owners are interested in learning about. Because after giving birth, mother dogs not only need nutrition to restore their health but also need […]

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Is me-o cat food good?

Skip to main content in article(see) Me-o is a quite popular cat food product in Vietnam. However, there are still many cat owners wondering if me-o cat food is good? Nowadays, many people raise cats to be both pets and companions. But busy lives and limited time leave them no time to process and cook […]

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Food guide for British Shorthair cats

We will share all the information about nutrition and types of food for British Shorthair cats in detail in this article. British Shorthair cats are quite voracious eaters, so they will eat any food you give them. However, choosing the right food for British Shorthair cats to help them develop fully and stay healthy is […]

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Food guide for British longhair cats

Skip to main content in article(see) If you own a British long-haired cat, you certainly won’t be able to miss the guide on food for British long-haired cats that we share below. Let’s discover what foods British long-haired cats love right now! British Longhair cats are not picky eaters. Their personality is extremely friendly and […]

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What should food for 1 month old kittens include?

The 1-month-old kitten’s body is still very immature and has weak body resistance. Therefore, caring for and choosing food for 1-month-old kittens is extremely important, so breeders need to pay special attention and learn carefully. Kittens need to receive attentive care from the breeder, especially nutrition to have good health and comprehensive development both mentally […]

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Food for 2-month kittens: What should and should not be eaten?

Raising a 2-month-old kitten is not easy. Therefore, many breeders have the same question: what should food for 2-month-old kittens include? What should you not feed 2-month-old kittens? Please read our article below to find the most accurate answer. According to veterinary experts, 2-month-old kittens are stronger than when they were born. This is also […]

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TOP 3 best deodorizing shower gels for dogs that you should buy right away

Skip to main content in article(see) There are many good deodorizing shampoo products for dogs. But below are the 6 best deodorizing shampoos for dogs on the market that you should buy immediately. The adorable dog boss suddenly smells bad, making me worry that my boss has some problems with his fur and skin? Do […]

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5 best dry dog ​​food brands today

Skip to main content in article(see) Dry dog ​​food is considered a convenient product and suitable for the needs of today’s bosses. The product is chosen by most pet-raising families. Take a look at the best dry dog ​​food brands introduced in the article below. There is a worrying reality in the dry dog ​​food […]

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8 reasons why the Casper 8.5kg front-load washing machine WF-85I140BGB is still very attractive in 2024

Skip to main content in article(see) Although it has been launched for 3 years, the Casper WF-85I140BGB washing machine still makes many people hunt for it because of 7 outstanding features that cannot be ignored when choosing to buy a front-load washing machine: from design, technology, features and features. special ability. 1. 8 highlights of […]

Should I use dry dog ​​food?

Skip to main content in article(see) Dry dog ​​food is no longer a strange product to pet owners in Vietnam. But when asked which type of dry dog ​​food is best, not everyone can give the correct answer. Modern life and the hustle and bustle of work make many people’s time become increasingly limited. Spending […]

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Suggested 3 vacuum cleaners from the brands Panasonic, Tefal and Dreame

Vacuum cleaners are currently a “lifesaver” for housewives in house cleaning because of their ability to clean effectively and save time. Join to find out the top 3 vacuum cleaners with good quality today. 1. Panasonic MC-CL609HN49 canister vacuum cleaner Panasonic MC-CL609HN49 possesses a luxurious design, with a beautiful black color scheme, helping to […]

Bosch PIJ675FC1E induction cooker: Brings convenience and safety to the kitchen

Skip to main content in article(see) Among the highly rated induction cookers today, the Bosch PIJ675FC1E induction cooker is one of the products that most consumers are interested in choosing. Join to learn details about this device through the article below! 1. Bosch PIJ675FC1E induction cooker design The Bosch PIJ675FC1E induction cooker is meticulously […]

Is smartheart dog food good?

Skip to main content in article(see) Is smartheart dog food good? is a concern of many pet owners. Join to find the answer to this question through the article below. The Vietnamese market has many types of prepared foods specifically for dog owners. That’s why it’s even more difficult for dogs to choose the […]

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Xiaomi New Widetech KY-26EAW1 portable air conditioner causes ‘fever’ again in summer 2024

Skip to main content in article(see) Although it has been on the market for several years, in the summer of 2024, when temperatures in many places are reaching new “peaks”, the demand for air conditioners is increasing, including the demand for Xiaomi New Widetech mobile air conditioners. KY-26EAW1. 1. Xiaomi New Widetech KY-26EAW1 portable air […]

This is the most popular shower gel for white-haired cats

Skip to main content in article(see) Just use one of the shower gels for white-haired cats below, and your Majesty will always have a fragrant floral scent with perfectly beautiful white fur. Besides black, gray, and yellow-haired cats, white-haired cats are also quite popular. Hearing about the color white, many lotus people expressed concern that […]

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Is Fay 5-star cat shower gel good?

Skip to main content in article(see) The information and objective reviews below will help you find the most accurate answer to the question: Is Fay 5-star cat shower gel good? Besides SOS, Bio Care, Perfect Coat, Trixie, Joyce & Dolls… shower gel, Fay 5-star shower gel is also trusted by many to choose to bathe […]

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What is the best and most suitable shower gel for red-brown poodle dogs?

Skip to main content in article(see) The red-brown poodle dog is very susceptible to fading hair if not cared for and raised properly. That’s why many people wonder which type of shower gel for red-brown poodle dogs is best and most suitable to maintain the boss poodle’s natural coat color. Veterinary experts say that the […]

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Should Alaskan dogs eat dry food?

Skip to main content in article(see) Dry food for Alaskan dogs helps provide more suitable and convenient nutrition for owners. However, is this the best food that you should feed your Alaskan dogs? Let’s learn more in the article below! In addition to fresh homemade food, many owners also feed Alaskan dogs prepared dry food. […]

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