Franci Smart Gold – Starting nutrition helps children excel in intelligence

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Franci Smart Gold milk is a nutritional product that helps children be smart, healthy and have bright eyes, with Lutein nutrients imported from France which are considered important nutrients in supporting children’s maximum brain development and development. Vision has a positive effect on the retina.

According to research results, a child’s brain development has three peak stages: from birth to 3 years old, from 5 years old to 7 years old and from 8 years old to 10 years old. At these stages, your baby’s immature brain is set up to learn lots of new things. The time when a child’s brain size increases strongly, babies born between 2 and 3 weeks old only have 35% of an adult’s brain size and by the time they are 1 year old, their brain has reached 70%. .

As the child’s brain develops, the child’s visual ability also increases. Although in the first months of life, the child can only see the parent’s face when held at close range, but the range of vision is clear. The child’s growth will continue to develop steadily month by month.

Understanding your baby’s development, Franci Vietnam has launched the Franci Smart Gold product line to help children be smart, healthy and have bright eyes.

Franci Smart Gold - Starting nutrition helps children excel in intelligence
Franci Smart Gold Milk.

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1. Important nutrients that make up Franci Smart Gold products

For the first and only time on the market, Franci successfully added the golden nutrient Lutein to Franci Gold products to help children develop their brain and vision better, increasing their cognitive and learning abilities.

Currently, Lutein is one of the important nutrients that mothers trust to use to raise smart children, but not all nutritional products contain this nutrient. Lutein is mainly supplemented through functional foods or daily vegetables.

So what is Lutein and how important is it?

Lutein is considered a “golden nutrient” that helps children enhance cognitive ability, learning and memory, especially in the period of 0-3 years old. In the first years of life, 80% of the information your baby receives for brain development is through sight. And Lutein is known as one of 600 natural carotenoids, an antioxidant that plays an important role in protecting and building
macula on the retina of the eye, supporting perfect vision.

In particular, the biggest advantage of Franci Smart Gold is an exclusive formula that combines Lutein with Vitamin A, DHA, Omega 3, 6 to maximize children’s language, memory, and audiovisual abilities.

Franci Smart Gold - Starting nutrition helps children excel in intelligence
With many nutritional ingredients for children’s comprehensive development.

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2. Great uses of Franci Smart Gold milk

The beneficial uses of Franci Smart Gold help children optimally develop their brain and vision. Essential ingredients found in Franci Smart Gold milk include:

  • Lutein, Omega 3&6, DHA, ARA, Choline, Taurine:
    Perfecting nerve cells, helping brain development;
    Vitamin A Necessary for visual development, participating in the formation of retinal cells, vision, helping to protect eyesight, giving children bright, healthy eyes.
  • Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin C Stimulates immune system activity, fights infections caused by bacteria and viruses, and helps increase resistance. Soluble Fiber (FOS/Inulin) Helps nourish the intestinal flora, support digestion, and limit constipation. Lysine, Vitamin B group Supports the ability to absorb and metabolize nutrients, helping children eat well, digest and absorb well.
  • Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D3: develops bone system, promotes height growth.

Mothers should supplement their babies with 2-3 glasses of Franci Smart Gold containing Lutein imported from France to support the baby’s maximum brain and vision development, increasing the child’s memory ability.

3. Packaging and classification of Franci Smart Gold milk line

– Weight: 400g can and 800g can

– Suitable for all ages: Franci Smart Gold 0+ for children from 0 – 12 months old, Franci Smart Gold 1+ for children from 12 – 24 months old, Franci Smart Gold 2+ for children over 2 years old.

To order Franci Smart Gold, customers can directly contact Hotline: 1900 98 68 58 or inbox Franci Fanpage:

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