Choosing Bosch PID651DC5E or Sato SIH386 N3 induction cooker: Detailed review

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Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker and Sato SIH386 N3 (A) induction cooker are both outstanding products on the market today. Join to learn the similarities and differences of these two products.

1. Differences between Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker and Sato SIH386 N3 induction cooker (A)

1.1. The origin

The first difference between these two products is their origin. Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker is a product from the Bosch brand, a long-standing and reputable name in Germany. Bosch is known for its professionalism and outstanding quality in each household product. The Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker inherits the quintessence of advanced technology from Germany, is manufactured according to strict standards and is highly durable. This product not only provides excellent cooking performance but also provides maximum safety for users.

In contrast, the Sato SIH386 N3 (A) induction cooker is a product of the Sato brand, a name that is no longer unfamiliar to many Vietnamese consumers. Sato SIH386 N3 (A) induction cooker is manufactured on a modern technological line, integrating many convenient features. This product provides Vietnamese users with good choices at reasonable prices and high durability, while also supporting the development of domestic industry.

Choosing Bosch PID651DC5E or Sato SIH386 N3 induction cooker: Detailed review
Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker has 3 cooking zones with different sizes (Photo: Bosch).
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1.2. Number of cooking zones

The Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker has 3 cooking zones of different sizes. All cooking zones use the same control panel that is intuitively designed and easy to use. The modern touch control panel of this product not only helps users easily adjust the temperature and cooking capacity but also creates a luxurious look for the kitchen.

For the Sato SIH386 N3 (A) induction cooker, the cooker includes 2 independent cooking zones, each cooking zone has its own control panel. This design brings maximum convenience to users. Users can adjust the temperature and cooking capacity of each zone flexibly and accurately. Besides, the control panel of this product also has a simple design, easy to use, suitable for Vietnamese cooking habits.

Choosing Bosch PID651DC5E or Sato SIH386 N3 induction cooker: Detailed review
Sato SIH386 N3 (A) induction cooker includes 2 independent cooking zones (Photo: Sato).
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1.3. Many advanced features

The Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker has more convenient features than the Sato SIH386 N3 (A) induction cooker. One of the most notable features is Bosch’s modern 5-level PerfectFry frying sensor. Users can precisely adjust the temperature and cooking time for perfect fried dishes. In addition, the Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker also has the feature to save the most recent cooking program settings to help users save time and effort when preparing complex dishes.

2. Similarities between Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker and Sato SIH386 N3 induction cooker (A)

2.1. Equipped with Booster feature

Although the Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker and the Sato SIH386 N3 (A) induction cooker have different origins, both are equipped with a Booster feature to help speed up cooking. This feature allows you to adjust the power level to maximum in a short time, helping to boil water or heat food quickly, saving time for the user.

Choosing Bosch PID651DC5E or Sato SIH386 N3 induction cooker: Detailed review
Equipped with Booster feature on Bosch induction cooker (Photo: Bosch).
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2.2. 3 year warranty

Warranty is a policy that many companies, especially in the electronics and home appliance sectors, apply to attract customers. Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker and Sato SIH386 N3 (A) induction cooker have a warranty of up to 3 years. When the product is warranted for such a long period of time, consumers can feel secure about the performance of the product they buy. Warranty helps minimize maintenance costs after purchase. You rarely have to spend money on repairs if something goes wrong during this time.

2.3. Residual heat warning function

Residual heat warning is a feature present in both the Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker and the Sato SIH386 N3 (A) induction cooker. This feature can help users determine whether the cooking zone of the stove is still hot after the power is turned off or not. If the cooking area is still hot, the user will accidentally touch the hot cooking surface and cause skin damage. Especially for families with young children or the elderly, this feature will help prevent unfortunate incidents that may occur.

The residual heat warning feature also helps users effectively clean and maintain the induction cooker. After cooking, the stove will help users recognize the cooking zone when it has cooled so users can clean it and help prolong the life of the stove.

2.4. Timer function

The timer function of the Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker and the Sato SIH386 N3 (A) induction cooker can support users by scheduling time so you can actively manage the cooking process without having to stand guard next to the stove. If you are busy with many other things around the house or when you need to prepare dishes that take a long time to cook, you can activate this feature.

In addition, the feature to automatically turn off the stove when the timer expires helps avoid food being too mushy or forgetting to turn off the stove after finishing cooking. You will reduce unwanted incidents, such as the stove being too hot or overcooking food. In particular, this feature is very useful for families with young children, where safety is always a top priority. The stove automatically turning off when time is up also helps save energy and reduce electricity costs. Instead of letting the stove continue to operate after cooking, this feature effectively prevents wasting electricity.

Choosing Bosch PID651DC5E or Sato SIH386 N3 induction cooker: Detailed review
The glass surface is made from high quality materials (Photo: Sato).
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2.5. The glass surface is made from high quality materials

High heat-resistant glass is one of the most important factors for induction cookers. Tempered glass helps the kitchen surface withstand high temperatures when cooking without deforming or cracking. It is also resistant to scratches from impacts or when used too often. Furthermore, the ability to resist grease is also a strong point of this tempered glass surface. With this feature, users can easily clean the stovetop after cooking without using strong chemicals or complicated cleaning steps. Users not only save time but also maintain a safe and hygienic cooking environment for their families.

Based on the above comparisons, you know the similarities and differences of the Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker compared to the Sato SIH386 N3 (A) induction cooker. If you need more detailed information about other features of these two products, you can read more reviews of each product.

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