Choose the best cat shower gel to treat skin fungus

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Your Majesty has skin fungus and you are looking for shower gel to treat skin fungus for Your Majesty? Our article “Review of cat shower gel to treat skin fungus” below will help you quickly find the best shower gel to treat skin fungus.

Ringworm does not spare any cat. Because this is a common disease and is very common in cats. His Majesty has a skin fungus that causes headaches and doesn’t know how to fix it? Even though many methods have been applied, skin fungus still harms the Emperor of the lotus? Is shower gel to treat skin fungus for cats effective? Let’s learn about this issue through the article Review of cat shower gel Treat skin fungus below.

Skin fungus is a common and very common disease in cats
Skin fungus is a common and very common disease in cats
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Are cats with skin fungus dangerous?

All Emperors of different ages are at risk of skin fungus. However, Emperors who have weak resistance, weakened immune systems or are sick or ill are most susceptible to skin fungus.

Veterinarians say that skin fungus in cats is a quite dangerous and contagious disease. Some types of skin fungus can be easily treated with medication. But some types of fungus are very difficult to treat and can be dangerous to cats’ health, and can even lead to death if not treated properly and promptly.

When suffering from skin fungus, His Majesty often has symptoms such as: itching and frequent scratching; hair loss; thickened skin; swollen lymph nodes; skin with pus and mucus, red skin with scales; The skin surface has mucus with a foul smell…

Skin fungus can lead to death if not treated properly and promptly
Skin fungus can lead to death if not treated properly and promptly
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Cat shower gel effectively treats skin fungus

There are many ways to treat skin fungus in cats, in which using shower gel to treat skin fungus is the method used by many cats because it is both effective and safe. Right now, let’s take a look Review of cat shower gel To treat skin fungus below, you will know which shower gel to treat skin fungus for cats that you should use.

1. Davis Miconazole shower gel to treat skin fungus in cats

– Origin: America

– Brand: Davis.

– Ingredients: 2% Collodial Oatmea, 2% Miconazole Nitrate.

– Uses: Effectively supports the treatment of skin fungus in cats; Special treatment for ringworm fungus; seborrheic dermatitis; sebaceous gland inflammation; skin surface infection; reduces itching; pain relief.

– Safety: Mild ingredients, no fragrances, no dyes, so very safe for His Majesty’s skin and health.

– Scent: Mild and natural scent, helps eliminate odors for up to 10 days, creating a refreshing feeling after bathing

– Price: 370,000 VND/bottle of 355ml. Although the price is a bit high, due to its effectiveness and excellent quality, Davis Miconazole shower gel is still popular with many people.

Davis Miconazole shower gel to treat skin fungus in cats
Davis Miconazole shower gel to treat skin fungus in cats
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2. Bio Derma shower gel to treat skin fungus in cats

– Origin: Vietnam.

– Trademark: Bio-Pharmachemie.

– Ingredients: Ketoconazole and Amitraz.

– Uses: Special treatment of skin fungus in cats; restore damaged skin; provides moisture to the skin; skin cell regeneration; heals damage caused by dermatitis; Visible results from the first use…

– Safety: The ingredients in Bio Derma shower gel are very benign and friendly to His Majesty’s skin. Therefore, you do not need to worry about His Majesty’s skin being irritated or rash due to using shower gel.

– Scent: The scent is fresh and long-lasting on the Emperor’s body. Helps the showers not have to bathe the Emperors often.

– Price: 81,000 VND/200ml bottle. This is an affordable price suitable for many different income levels of sellers. The reason Bio Derma shower gel is cheaper than other shower gel products is because it is produced directly in Vietnam. However, the quality and effectiveness of the product are still recognized by many sellers.

Bio Derma shower gel to treat skin fungus in cats
Bio Derma shower gel to treat skin fungus in cats
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A few notes when caring for cats with skin fungus

When suffering from skin fungus, His Majesty’s skin is very sensitive, so he needs more special care than usual. Here are a few notes when caring for His Majesty with skin fungus that should not be overlooked:

+ You should take His Majesty to see a veterinarian to be examined and determine the condition.

+ Shave hair around the fungal area to avoid spreading the fungus around.

+ If you must use medication, apply antifungal medication according to your doctor’s instructions regarding dosage and frequency.

+ Only use specialized antifungal shower gel specifically for cats. Absolutely do not bathe His Majesty with shower gel, human shampoo, dishwashing liquid or laundry soap.

+ Keep the Emperor’s body always dry. If you shower, you need to dry it thoroughly after bathing.

+ Isolate the Emperor to avoid spreading skin fungus to other healthy Emperors.

+ Clean your cat’s home and nest to kill bacteria, parasites and fungi.

Hopefully the above sharing will help you find a suitable shower gel to treat skin fungus for cats. Good luck!

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