Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher: Independent, compact, economical, efficient

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The dishwasher is Bosch SKS51E22EU with sophisticated design and special washing programs. The product not only meets daily needs but also brings convenience and efficiency to users. Join to learn more about this product.

1. Design of Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher

Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher is one of the new and high-end models of the Bosch brand. The machine has a main white color tone with bold European features on the front, back and body of the product, so it exudes luxurious and attractive beauty.

Bosch SKS51E22EU has a vertical boxy design with sharp edges. Each line on the camera body is arranged harmoniously. Every detail is meticulously cared for, creating a perfect and impressive whole. The machine has a status display screen with LED lights and a program selection button for users to easily adjust and monitor the dishwashing process.

The operation of the Bosch SKS51E22EU mini dishwasher also brings savings. With a capacity of only 8 liters per wash, this dishwasher saves water while still ensuring cleaning efficiency. Power consumption is also significantly reduced thanks to the timer mode of up to 24 hours and consumes only 610W for each dishwashing session. All of these design features help the Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher become a perfect choice for every family.

Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher: Independent, compact, economical, efficient
Design of the Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher (photo: Bosch).
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2. Washing programs of Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher

2.1. Quick wash program 45°C

The 45°C Quick Wash program is perfect in emergency situations. Especially when you have unexpected guests or need to quickly clean up after a meal. Despite the short washing time, the 45°C Quick Wash program still ensures quality cleaning. Thanks to Bosch’s advanced washing technology and intelligent design, this program uses water pressure to remove light stains and grease.

Another benefit of this program is the ability to save energy and water. Short wash times and lower temperatures compared to intensive wash programs help minimize electricity and water consumption. This is really a big plus for families who want to maintain a green and economical lifestyle.

2.2. Eco 50°C program

The Eco 50°C program is the default washing program on all Bosch dishwashers. One of the most notable features of this program is the ability to automatically adjust the amount of water and electricity needed based on the amount and level of dirty dishes. Thanks to advanced technologies and smart sensors, the Bosch SKS51E22EU stand-alone dishwasher can automatically detect and adjust the washing process to the best fit.

With a wash temperature of 50°C, this economical wash program delivers cleanliness, minimizing the amount of water consumed to complete the wash process. You will significantly reduce electricity costs and at the same time contribute to protecting the environment.

Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher: Independent, compact, economical, efficient
Washing programs of the Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher (photo: Bosch).
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2.3. Glass 40°C program

Unlike conventional washing programs, the Glass 40°C program of the Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher operates at low temperatures, only 40°C. That’s why sensitive items made of glass, glass, and high-quality ceramics will not be affected or broken during the washing process. Instead of applying high temperatures that can cause sudden thermal shock, this program will wash gently and carefully, protecting cups, mugs and other items from the effects of temperature.

In particular, the Glass 40°C program also has a rinsing phase at a higher temperature before proceeding with the drying process. The items will be completely cleaned and no longer stuck to stains after the washing process ends. You can use it immediately without additional steps.

2.4. Normal 65°C program

The outstanding feature of the Normal 65°C washing program is the temperature of use. Thanks to the ability to heat water up to 65°C, this program will thoroughly remove all stains and grease from dishes. High temperatures also help enhance disinfection performance, eliminating harmful bacteria that affect quality of life. This program is especially suitable for crockery and other items.

With the Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher, you can trust that every item will be cleaned perfectly, saving you time and effort.

Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher: Independent, compact, economical, efficient
Rack of Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher (photo: Bosch).
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2.5. 70°C Intensive Wash Program

The 70°C Intensive Wash program of the Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher is an extremely useful tool for families who often face stubborn stains from the cooking process. The highlight of this program is the high water temperature up to 70°C combined with strong spray pressure. This combination not only helps completely remove stains, grease, and dry food, but also ensures that every item in the dishwasher is thoroughly cleaned. In particular, the flexibility of the Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher is also shown through the fact that users can choose the program that best suits their specific needs, increasing convenience and comfort during use. use.

The Bosch SKS51E22EU dishwasher is not only a cleaning tool but also a reliable companion in every family’s kitchen. The product will be the ideal choice for those who are looking for modern and convenient living solutions.

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