Germany’s TOP weight gain milk for adults and children is highly appreciated

Weight gain milk for skinny people is a functional food that supports healthy weight gain by supplementing essential nutrients and micronutrients. Among them, German weight gain milk lines are highly appreciated by many people who have used them for their effectiveness.

1. TOP German milk for gaining weight for babies today

Germany is one of the world’s leading countries in nutritional products for mothers and babies, supporting the development of infants and young children. That’s why all kinds German milk increases baby’s weight It is trusted and chosen by many mothers to use for their children without worrying about side effects.

1.1 INFATRINI German Weight Gain Milk For Babies 0-18 months

Reference price: 835,000 VND / 400g can

INFATRINI Weight Gain Milk is a product of the Nutricia brand, which is leading the children’s food market in Germany. This is a product to support weight gain for babies born prematurely, with slow weight gain, after illness, or after surgery from 0-18 months old. Special, INFATRINI German weight gain milk It is rich in FOS and GOS fiber and does not contain Gluten, so it does not cause constipation, diarrhea or other side effects like when using high-energy milk. Therefore, if your baby has a sensitive digestive system or is lactose intolerant, you can still use this product.

Besides the ability to support weight gain, this German weight gain milk line also contains 25 other vitamins and minerals to help the body develop evenly and increase resistance. Rich in fatty acids, Omega 3,6, DHA, ARA to help develop the brain and maintain bright, clear eyes.

Germany's TOP weight gain milk for adults and children is highly appreciated
German milk to gain weight for babies INFATRINI Germany (Photo: Mother Olive Shop)
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1.2 Resource Junior German weight gain milk for slow-growing babies

Reference price: 450,000 VND/400g

Resource Junior German weight gain milk belongs to the world famous Nestle Health Science brand. The product is suitable for children with rickets, malnutrition, anorexia, slow growth or need nutrition after illness/surgery. Resource Junior weight gain milk from Germany can be used for children from 1-10 years old depending on Dosage (1000ml for 1-3 year olds and 1500ml for 4-10 year olds).

Resource Junior milk with an exclusive nutritional formula of 1Kcal/1ml of milk helps your baby gain weight scientifically, compensating for the lack of energy and nutrition in the daily diet to help your baby catch up with development. Milk contains 50% Whey protein and 50% Casein protein to help malnourished and slow-growing babies absorb nutrients better. At the same time, adding amino acids, DHA, Calcium, Vitamin D,… nourishes the brain and bones and joints during the development stage.

Germany's TOP weight gain milk for adults and children is highly appreciated
Resource Junior weight gain milk for babies (Photo:
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1.3 German milk to gain weight for babies Aptamil Profutura Duoadvance

Reference price: 789,000 VND/800g can

Aptamil Profutura Duoadvance milk from German brand Aptamil, exclusively for babies from 0-6 months old who were born prematurely and have weak health. The product provides important nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, and vitamins in balanced proportions for children to gain weight quickly and develop optimally. In particular, the milk has a light, sweet taste similar to breast milk, so it is easy for babies to drink and digest.

Not only that, in Aptamil German milk to gain weight for babies Also supplemented with beneficial bacteria Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus to help strengthen immunity, prevent constipation and does not contain substances harmful to the baby’s health such as Gluten, Cholesterol, GMO so mothers can use it with peace of mind. The product is only for babies with weak health and premature birth, so normal and developing babies should not use it.

Germany's TOP weight gain milk for adults and children is highly appreciated
Aptamil Profutura Duoadvance German milk to gain weight for babies (Photo: Chiaki)
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* NOTE: Drinking milk to gain weight for rickets and malnourished children requires the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist, especially children under 2 years old.

2. German weight gain milk for adults

2.1 German milk for the elderly Ensure Vanilla Geschmack S616

Reference price: 385,000 VND

German Ensure milk is a weight gain milk line for thin people of many different ages that helps supplement protein, vitamins and other necessary minerals. The product can be used for adults, the elderly, malnourished people or people with poor digestion problems.

The main ingredients of milk include protein extracted from soybeans, fat, sugar powder, DHA, Vitamin A, C, D3, E, B1/3/6/9/12, Calcium, Phosphorus,… and have just improved the problem. bones and joints, improving health and strengthening the immune system. In particular, it protects the intestines and enhances absorption, good for the digestive system.

Germany's TOP weight gain milk for adults and children is highly appreciated
Ensure Vanilla Geschmack S616 milk (Photo:
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2.2 Maltocal Fatty Milk Powder 19 Germany

Reference price: 400,000 VND/can of 1000g

Maltocal 19 milk from the German Metax Nutrition Institute supports weight gain and height for both adults and children from 1 year old. The main ingredients of milk include extracts from corn starch, potatoes, and wheat, so it is easy to absorb and store energy. Not only that, the ingredients do not contain fat, gluten, sodium, sugars (lactose, fructose, …) so it does not affect the stomach, suitable for people with digestive disorders, anorexia or immunity. least.

Main effect of German weight gain milk for adults Maltocal 19 provides energy, reduces the load on the digestive system and increases the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. From there, you improve your spirit, help you eat well, sleep well, and gain healthy weight and height. The milk has a light and cool taste like tapioca starch, not too sweet, so it’s easy to drink.

Germany's TOP weight gain milk for adults and children is highly appreciated
German weight gain milk for adults and children Maltocal 19 (Photo:
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3. How to use German milk to gain weight effectively for skinny people

To gain weight effectively, users need to pay attention to the following: Drinking time, dosage and mixing method to increase weight most effectively.

3.1 Recommended drinking time

Different times of drinking milk also more or less affect the effectiveness of the product. Here are the 3 best times of the day when you should take your supplements German weight gain milk for skinny people.

– Drink in the morning: About 1 hour after breakfast is the best time to drink milk to gain weight, it not only helps provide energy but is also better absorbed.

– Drink in the late afternoon: Late afternoon is often the time when the body feels tired and sluggish, so supplementing with milk to gain weight will help bring energy immediately and be easily absorbed quickly.

– Drink before going to bed at night: About 2 hours before going to bed, you can drink another cup of warm milk to not only help gain weight but also help improve deeper sleep.

3.2 Should you dilute or concentrate it, it will easily gain weight

Although milk is very good for health and weight gain, drinking too much will affect the body. Depending on each age and each different brand, there will be different formulas for mixing milk based on research on appropriate temperature, dosage and frequency to help bring about the best results.

So before using or when changing to a new type of milk, please read the instructions carefully. In particular, although milk adds many vitamins and energy, it cannot completely replace main meals.

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