Food for small Poodle dogs according to each month of age

The useful information about food for small Poodle dogs according to each month of age that we share below will help you no longer worry when starting to raise a small Poodle dog.

The digestive system of small Poodles is not yet complete, so what to eat and how to eat is something that any breeder needs to carefully learn about so that the Poodle can grow healthily. Join us to learn more about it Small Poodle dog food according to each age through the following article.

Poodle dogs have an extremely cute appearance with special fuzzy fur
Poodle dogs have an extremely cute appearance with special fuzzy fur
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Food for small Poodle dogs from 2-3 months old

2 month old Poodle puppies are released and you buy them to raise. When buying, you need to ask the seller about the diet and food that the Poodle is eating to know. When you first bring home a 2-month-old Poodle, you absolutely should not rush to change the food and diet because it can harm the digestive system and health of the small Poodle.

When you first bring your small Poodle home, you need to follow these instructions for the first month of welcoming your small Poodle home:

– Week 1: Feed the small Poodle 75% old food and 25% new food.

– Week 2: Feed the small Poodle old food and new food at a ratio of 50:50.

– Week 3: Feed your little Poodle 75 new foods and 25% old foods.

– After 1 month of welcoming the little Poodle home: Can be fed completely new food.

Small Poodle dog food When 2-3 months old, it is still mostly thin porridge. To increase the nutritional content, you can stew the bones to get water and then cook porridge for your small Poodle to eat. For dry food, you need to soak the food in water for a few minutes to soften it before feeding it to your small Poodle. You should choose dry food specifically for small Poodle dogs from reputable brands such as Ganador, Smartheart, Pro-Pet, Junior, Iskhan…

The diet for small Poodle dogs is about 5 meals/day. In addition to thin porridge, you can give your small Poodle to drink milk specifically for dogs, on average about 200 to 300ml per day.

The diet for small Poodle dogs 3-6 months old is about 5 meals/day
The diet for small Poodle dogs 3-6 months old is about 5 meals/day
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Food for small Poodle dogs from 3-6 months old

When small Poodle dogs are about 3-6 months old, they can eat mushy rice instead of porridge like in the previous stage. In addition to thin porridge with bone broth, you can feed your small Poodle pork, beef, chicken, shrimp, tubers and vegetables. But these foods must still be thoroughly processed and cooked until soft before feeding to small Poodles. You should mix rice with pureed vegetables and meat and then feed your small Poodle so they will eat vegetables.

If you feed your small Poodle with prepared dry food, you also need to soak the food in water for about 5 minutes. Do not soak for too long as it will make the dry food too soft. Poodles aged 3-6 months should be given a little harder food to train their chewing and swallowing reflexes.

The diet of small Poodle dogs at this stage will be reduced to 4 meals/day. Besides, you can give your small Poodle an additional 300-400ml of milk/day.

Food for small Poodles over 6 months old

Small Poodle dog food Children over 6 months old need to ensure adequate supply of the following nutrients:

+ Protein and fat are found in pork, beef, chicken, fish, eggs, organs…

+ Starch is found in bread, rice, porridge, biscuits, cassava, potatoes…

+ Fiber and vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables such as lettuce, carrots, mustard greens, broccoli, blueberries, bananas, cucumbers…

+ Minerals are abundant in seafood, but you should only feed your small Poodle shrimp.

If it is dry food, you do not need to soak the food soft with water anymore because Poodle dogs over 6 months old can eat rough and hard food quite well. The diet for small Poodle dogs over 6 months is 3 meals/day.

The diet for small Poodle dogs over 6 months is 3 meals/day
The diet for small Poodle dogs over 6 months is 3 meals/day
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Notes when feeding small Poodles

– Not for dogs Small Poodles eat fish, especially raw fish, because they easily get diarrhea.

– Do not feed your small Poodle chicken bones or fish bones because they can easily choke or puncture the intestines.

– Do not feed small Poodles chocolate, candy, or soft drinks because they affect the Poodle’s digestive activity.

– Spicy spices such as pepper, chili, and mustard should not be fed to small Poodles.

– Moldy, damaged, rancid, or expired foods should absolutely not be fed to small Poodles.

– Clean trays and food bowls after each meal.

– If after eating a small Poodle there are signs of stomach pain or diarrhea, you should stop feeding the small Poodle for monitoring. If it doesn’t heal, take your Poodle to the doctor immediately.

Poodle dog food
Poodle dog food
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* So there are many issues to keep in mind when choosing Small Poodle dog food that farmers need to clearly understand. Hopefully the above information has helped you get ready to start raising a small Poodle dog to keep you company every day!

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