Tips for mothers: Eat a lot of milk without gaining weight

Pregnant mothers who have just given birth do not have a lot of milk to breastfeed their babies, but if they eat too much food, it will cause weight gain and loss of shape. Therefore, the following article will help you choose the 13 best foods to help mothers have more milk without gaining weight.

21. Tips for mothers to have a lot of milk but not gain weight

After giving birth, mothers are often advised to eat a lot of nutrients to have milk for breastfeeding, but in reality, eating a lot does not necessarily mean there will be a lot of milk. It is important for mothers to choose the right foods to stimulate milk production.

Most mothers are fed a lot of pig’s feet to produce milk, but in fact, to produce more milk, mothers should also eat more lean meat. Because lean meat is rich in protein, it helps your baby’s meat and muscles become stronger and stronger. In addition, to limit the risk of weight gain, mothers need to combine eating more fish and limiting starch. At the same time, add more green vegetables, fruits and drink lots of water to stimulate milk flow Most.

Tips for mothers: Eat a lot of milk without gaining weight
What can mothers eat that has a lot of milk without gaining weight (Photo:
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2. Eat a lot of milk without gaining weight

Below is a list of 13 foods that answer the question “Eat a lot of milk without gaining weight” helps mothers and babies have a healthy postpartum period:

2.1 Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a popular dish, easy to prepare into many different dishes from boiling, making soup or making cakes, so they are very easy to eat. In particular, potatoes contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, minerals and fiber, which are rich in nutrients, helping to ensure milk supply for babies. Not only that, because sweet potatoes contain little energy, they will not cause weight gain, helping mothers quickly improve their figure after giving birth.

2.2 Beef

Mothers often lose a lot of blood when giving birth, so their postpartum body often feels tired, lethargic, and dizzy. Therefore, in the menu of pregnant mothers after giving birth, it is indispensable to have dishes made from beef to supplement iron in the body. Especially in the first 6 months, on average, mothers need 79g of protein/day, so this is an indispensable food. Besides, mothers can use other protein-rich foods such as milk, shrimp, eggs, beans…

Tips for mothers: Eat a lot of milk without gaining weight
Foods that help increase milk production (Photo:
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2.3 Jute vegetables

According to traditional medicine, jute is a type of vegetable with cooling properties and a sweet taste suitable for nourishing, cooling, anti-inflammatory and very beneficial for milk production. Therefore, breastfeeding mothers should add this vegetable to their diet Helps milk come in more and faster without worrying about consuming too much fat and causing weight gain.

2.4 Banana flower

Nutritional ingredients in banana flowers include vitamins A, C, K, Potassium, Calcium, iron and are rich in fiber so they do not cause fat if eaten regularly. Besides, the benefits of banana flowers for postpartum women are huge, most notably the ability to increase breast milk volume and ease of digestion. Therefore, banana flowers are often recommended in the postpartum diet to help mothers have more milk without getting fat.

2.5 Luffa

Luffa has the effect of helping to clear milk ducts, treat inflammation and blockage of milk ducts, and effectively circulate blood so it helps breast milk come in more. Not only that, luffa does not contain fat that causes weight gain, so mothers can also consider adding it to their postpartum menu if they want to stay in shape.

2.6 Papaya

Ripe papaya is rich in vitamins and minerals, easy to eat and has a clear effect in helping milk come in faster, improving milk quality without increasing weight. Mothers can eat ripe papaya after meals 1-3 times a week so as not to affect their health.

2.7 Malabar spinach or pennywort

When asked “What to eat to have more milk without gaining weight“, surely women will immediately think of pennywort or spinach, lactogenic foods that are easy to find and easy to eat. Malabar spinach contains a lot of protein, vitamins A, C, fiber and iron, which both help bring in more milk and nourish blood. At the same time, it helps push postpartum fluid out of the body faster.

2.8 Sweet potato vegetables

Sweet potato vegetables are rich in nutrients, easy to digest and metabolize, helping to promote milk secretion in lactating women.

2.9 Whole grains

Oats and whole grains are very good foods for breast milk. Eating whole grains or oats regularly will help add fiber to the digestive system, prevent constipation and help maintain good shape. Therefore, breastfeeding mothers should eat oatmeal Lots of milk without gaining weightand at the same time it is easier for the baby to absorb.

2.10 Turmeric

Turmeric is a very safe food for both mother and child. It not only has anti-inflammatory properties and heals stitches quickly, but is also considered a lactation stimulant. There is research in Thailand showing that when using products containing turmeric, the average amount of breast milk increases by 49% after 3 weeks and 103% after 5 weeks.

2.11 Salmon

Besides meat, salmon is also a food that mothers should supplement to get more DHA in breast milk, helping the baby become smarter and increase the quality of milk. The nutrients in salmon also help increase milk supply for breastfeeding.

2.12 Types of unsweetened milk

Not just eating but working What to drink to have more milk without getting fat also very important. Besides drinking lots of filtered water, doctors recommend adding unsweetened milk to the snack menu to increase lactation. However, mothers should warm it up before drinking to help increase milk production and protect the baby’s weak digestive system.

In particular, unsweetened fresh milk retains its original taste and nutrients but does not contain sugar so it will not cause weight gain.

2.13 Nut milk

For mothers with cow’s milk protein allergy, nut milks are equally effective replacement drinks that do not cause weight gain or allergies. Some types of nut milk often chosen by mothers are: black bean milk, brown rice milk, almond milk…

3. Foods that mothers should avoid to avoid losing milk

Besides milk-boosting foods, mothers should also avoid or limit eating too much of the following foods to avoid losing milk and clogging milk ducts:

  • Green vegetables: lolot leaves, mint, cabbage, laksa leaves, celery, etc.
  • Fruits that cause heat such as lychee, durian, longan, etc.
  • Pickled foods: bamboo shoots, pickles, pickled eggplant
  • Greasy foods, instant noodles, hot and spicy foods
  • Drinks containing alcohol (wine, beer), caffeine (coffee, green tea, chocolate)
Tips for mothers: Eat a lot of milk without gaining weight
Foods you should limit to avoid clogged milk ducts (Photo: Vinmec)
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Hopefully the above information has helped pregnant mothers answer questions What should mothers eat to have more milk without getting fat?, and know the foods to avoid. In addition to eating properly, mothers should also breastfeed their babies regularly to stimulate the body to naturally secrete milk.

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