Which country is Fay cat shower gel from? Is it good?

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When it comes to Fay cat shower gel, many people will ask which country is Fay shower gel from and is it good? Is it worth using?

Because compared to foreign shower gel brands such as SOS, Davis, Budle budle, Trixie, Perfect Coat, or Joyce & Dolls… Fay shower gel is produced directly in Vietnam. Therefore, there is a lot of skepticism about the quality of Fay shower gel. In this article, let’s learn more about it Fay cat shower gel to see if the product is worthy of your choice!

Which country is Fay cat shower gel from?Surely many people will be surprised that Fay shower gel is a Vietnamese shower gel brand. Because in the minds of many pet owners, the dog and cat shampoo brands sold on the Vietnamese market are mainly from Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, America or France.

But the truth is, Fay is a genuine “made in Vietnam” shower gel brand, owned by Hoang Anh Cosmetics Company. This is a company that produces and sells pet care products with more than 20 years of reputation and experience. Fay cat shower gel and other products of Hoang Anh Company all received positive feedback from customers after use. So you can rest assured about its quality milk bath cat Fay as well as other products.

Fay cat shower gel is a Vietnamese brand
Fay cat shower gel is a Vietnamese brand
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What types of Fay cat shower gel are there?

– Based on stars: Fay shower gel has 5 main types: Fay shower gel 1 star, 2 stars, 3 stars, 4 stars and 5 stars. Among them, Fay 5-star shower gel with improvements in quality is the most popular.

– Based on purpose of use: Fay shower gel has types such as: Fay shower gel cleans the skin, cleans ticks, lice and fleas; Fay shower gel treats itching, hair loss and dandruff; Fay shower gel beautifies skin and hair; Fay shower gel deodorizes and kills bacteria…

Fay cat shower gel 5 stars
Fay cat shower gel 5 stars
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Is Fay cat shower gel good?

+ Main ingredients of Fay cat shower gel includes Lanolin, Panthenol, Aqua, Caieputol Fragrance, Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate and Citrus oils. These ingredients have all been licensed for use in the production of cat shower gel, so they are absolutely safe.

+ Fay shower gel has many outstanding effects and benefits such as: Removes dirt; clean skin and fur; nourishes hair, makes it soft and grows faster; Effectively eliminates body odor in 7 days; Protects and cares for healthy skin; Supports treatment and prevention of parasites such as fleas, lice, ticks, lice, and scabies; Anti-inflammatory and skin irritation…

+ Fay shower gel does not contain soap, bleach, or toxic chemicals. The ingredients in Fay shower gel are safe for your pet’s skin and health. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about your cat having allergies or rashes when bathing with Fay shower gel.

How much does Fay cat shower gel cost?

According to consumer reviews, the quality of Fay cat shower gel Absolutely not inferior to other imported cat shower gels currently on sale on the market. But because it is produced in Vietnam, the price of Fay cat shower gel is much cheaper.

According to the survey, 200ml bottle of Fay cat shower gel costs about 50,000 VND; 300ml bottle is 65,000 VND and 800ml bottle is 13,000 VND. With this fairly affordable price, even if you have an average income, you can still buy Fay shower gel for your cat.

Fay cat shower gel is cheap
Fay cat shower gel is cheap
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Where should I buy Fay cat shower gel?

Purchase address is also an important factor that determines the quality of Fay cat shower gel. Therefore, you should choose large and reputable addresses and pet stores that are chosen by many people to ensure you buy genuine Fay cat shower gel.

* Above is a summary of information about Fay cat shower gel. Hopefully the information we shared above has helped you understand more about sBath for cat Fay. Wishing you a wise choice so that your cat can be bathed with the safest and highest quality shower gel!

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