Electrolux washing machine cannot press Start: 6 causes and simple solutions

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If during use you often encounter the problem that your Electrolux washing machine cannot press Start and do not know how to thoroughly handle it, let’s join Websosanh.vn to find out the real cause of your washing machine problem and choose a solution. Please fix it properly!

Status Electrolux washing machine cannot press Start This error can occur in all washing machine models, including front-loading or top-loading, but is most common on Electrolux washing machines with touch control panels. Some signs that help you easily recognize that your washing machine is experiencing this error include:

  • The light of the Start/Pause button on the control panel flashes continuously but cannot be pressed
  • When pressing the Start/Pause button many times, there is no response sound or the washing machine still stands still and does not operate

If your Electrolux washing machine is being used but experiences one of the above signs, try to find out the following causes to find the right solution.

1. The washing machine door lock is not closed or is broken, causing the Electrolux washing machine to not be able to press Start

This is one of the quite common causes often encountered in new users, forgetful elderly people or old washing machines that have been used for a long time. If the cause is due to the washing machine door lock not being closed, you can 100% quickly fix it yourself. According to the operating mechanism of the washing machine, the Start key will be disabled when the washing machine door is not closed or not closed tightly, meaning the circuit has not received a command to turn on the power.

Electrolux washing machine cannot press Start: 6 causes and simple solutions
The washing machine door lock is not closed or broken (Photo: Dien May Cho Lon)
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How to fix: Check whether the Electrolux washing machine door latch is closed or not. If not, open and close until you hear a clicking sound, indicating that the machine door is completely closed. At this point, you can press the Start button to start the washing cycle.

If the washing machine door is definitely closed and there is enough power, then the phenomenon occurs Electrolux washing machine cannot press Start If it still happens, the door switch is most likely broken.

How to fix: In case the components are damaged, you just need to replace them to help the machine operate normally. If your washing machine is still within the warranty period, please contact the store where you purchased the machine or the nearest warranty center for support. For Electrolux washing machines that have been purchased for a long time, you can call a refrigeration technician or the company’s warranty center to replace spare parts.

2. The control circuit is faulty or malfunctioning, causing the Electrolux washing machine to not press Start

After checking the door, but the Electrolux washing machine cannot press Start still occurs, the second reason your washing machine may be experiencing is due to a control circuit error. Depending on the actual condition and extent of damage, there will be two different solutions.

How to fix:

  • After checking, the control circuit is not seriously damaged: Repair the damaged part
  • Defective control circuit: Completely replace

3. The control panel is disabled so the Electrolux washing machine cannot press Start

On almost all Electrolux washing machine products, there is a Child Lock feature to prevent children from mischief causing damage to the device or danger to the baby. When activating this feature, all buttons on the device will be disabled and cannot function. So if Electrolux washing machine cannot press the Start button or other buttons, it is very possible that during the process of installing the washing program you accidentally activated this function.

How to fix:

You just need to turn off the Child Lock feature and the function keys on the washing machine will work normally again.

  • For top-loading Electrolux washing machines: Press and hold the Rinse + Spin button simultaneously for about 10 seconds to turn on/off the Child Lock feature.
  • For front-loading Electrolux washing machines: Press and hold the Pre-Wash button for about 2 seconds or the Steam button for about 2 seconds. With some other models, you can press the “Temp + Rinse” keys simultaneously for about 10 seconds until the key icon disappears. Depending on the model, there will be different ways to enable/disable the Child Lock feature. You can find the lock icon on the control panel or read more in the User Manual for details.
Electrolux washing machine cannot press Start: 6 causes and simple solutions
How to turn on/off the Child Lock feature on top-load and front-load Electrolux washing machines (Photo: Websosanh.vn)
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4. Components inside the washing machine are broken

For older washing machines or long-term use with high frequency, it can also overload internal components, leading to damage. Electrolux washing machine cannot turn on Start button.

How to fix:

Because the structure of the washing machine is very complex, if the internal components are damaged, you should contact the warranty service or a professional repairman to check and identify the defective part for timely replacement.

5. The washing machine is damp or contaminated with water, causing the washing machine to not press Start

Some families who often place washing machines in locations such as bathrooms or balconies to save space may also encounter this error. These are quite humid locations, easily affected by moisture and rain, causing the washing machine to get water into the control panel. In some more serious cases, accidentally getting water into the machine can lead to: The washing machine cannot press Start or the entire control panel is not working.

How to fix:

When the Electrolux washing machine cannot press Start because it is damp or contaminated with water, move the machine to a new, drier, more ventilated location. In case the control panel shows signs of being exposed to water, remove it, clean it and dry it. If you are not an electronics expert, do not handle it yourself, but contact a specialized warranty service for the fastest support and handling to avoid damage to other parts.

Electrolux washing machine cannot press Start: 6 causes and simple solutions
Remove the front-load washing machine control panel (Photo: Dien may Xanh)
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6. Input power source is flickering and unstable

The condition for the washing machine to operate smoothly is that the input power source must be strong and stable enough. If your home’s electricity is in an area that often flickers or is weak, the machine will easily encounter the following conditions: Stopping operations midway, Electrolux washing machine cannot press Start.

How to fix:

Using an additional voltage stabilizer for the washing machine helps maintain a stable power source for the machine in case the house has weak electricity. Not only that, providing stable power to the washing machine can also help prolong the life of the product.

Electrolux washing machine cannot press Start: 6 causes and simple solutions
Use an additional voltage stabilizer for the washing machine (Photo: Dien May Cho Lon)
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Above are 6 common reasons why Electrolux washing machines cannot press the Start button and detailed solutions for each type of error. Hopefully the above information will help you solve the problems you are facing.

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