Best shower gel for long-haired dogs

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Choosing the right shower gel for long-haired dogs will help your boss always have soft, smooth and strong fur. So what is the best shower gel for long-haired dogs? If you want to know, see the article below!

If long-haired bosses do not take care of them and choose the right shower gel, their hair will easily become tangled and fall out. You can also change the color and it will look very unsightly. In addition, long-haired dogs are also susceptible to fleas and ticks that live on their bodies. So which shower gel is best for long-haired dogs? Right below, will introduce to you the best shower gels for long-haired dogs that many people use today.

Long Coat Aloe Shampoo shampoo for long-haired dogs

Long Coat Aloe Shampoo shampoo for long-haired dogs, Forbis brand
Long Coat Aloe Shampoo shampoo for long-haired dogs, Forbis brand
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Forbis Long Coat Aloe Shampoo shampoo for long-haired dogs is a Korean brand with aloe vera extract to effectively moisturize the dog’s skin and fur. For bosses with long fur, this will be a good choice to have shiny fur and reduce shedding.

In addition, Long Coat Aloe Shampoo shampoo for long-haired dogs also contains main ingredients such as: Methyl Chloro Isothiazolione, Aloe Vera Gel, Cacamido Propyl Betaine, Mineral Oil… does not contain stimulants to ensure safety for the skin. of little bosses and always maintain shiny, strong, tangle-free fur, giving the boss a lovely look.

Besides, the tap design is quite convenient for users. Especially the shower gel is quite concentrated, you only need a small amount of milk to use it for your boss. In addition, Long Coat Aloe Shampoo shower gel for long-haired dogs also has a light and pleasant scent that lasts for a long time, making you always comfortable and at ease next to your boss.

The product is currently priced at about: 200,000 VND/750ml bottle.

Trixie Langhaar Shampoo for long-haired dogs

Trixie Langhaar Shampoo for long-haired dogs
Trixie Langhaar Shampoo for long-haired dogs
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Trixie Teebaumol Shampoo for dogs is known as a completely natural shower gel extracted from tea tree essence and many essential nutrients for the dog’s skin and fur. Helps boss maintain soft, smooth and strong fur without worrying about irritation.

Besides, green tea essence also helps disinfect, remove ticks, fleas… extremely effectively. That’s why many people choose this shower gel for their bosses.

Besides green tea leaf essential oil, this shower gel line also has products with Neem essence, honey essence, high-quality Macadamia nut essence and buckthorn powder to help nourish the boss’s hair and skin effectively. fruit. Especially for long-haired bosses, you will no longer have to worry about hair loss and tangles.

Currently the product is priced at about 80,000 VND/250ml bottle.

Olive Essence shower gel for long-haired dogs

Olive Essence shower gel for long-haired dogs
Olive Essence shower gel for long-haired dogs
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Olive Essence shower gel for long-haired dogs is also chosen by many for their bosses thanks to olive essential oil that helps comprehensively care for the pet’s skin and fur, giving your pet fragrant, clean skin and fur. will be healthy and beautiful. Besides, the product ensures a neutral pH, a gentle fragrance, and provides moisture to the skin and hair of dogs and cats, always soft and tangle-free.

This product line has up to 7 products for you to choose from such as:

1. Olive Essence Light & Trichomadesis helps nourish hair effectively

2. Olive Essence Red-Dog Special is suitable for dogs with brown fur

3. Olive Essence White Dogs Customize is suitable for dogs with white fur

4. Olive Essence Antipruritic & Deodorizing treats itching and deodorizes the boss.

5. Olive Essence Killer For Flea and Louse treats ticks and fleas for bosses.

6. Olive Essence Insecticidal Anti-Acarid is an antibacterial shower gel.

7. Olive Essence shower gel for cats.

Among them, the number 1 Olive Essence Light & Trichomadesis shower gel that helps nourish hair is rated best for long-haired dogs.

This shower gel line is also quite affordable at only 70,000 VND/450ml bottle. Helps save costs for showers quite effectively.

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