This is an anti-odor shower gel for dogs recommended by experts

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Anti-odor shower gel for dogs is a solution chosen by many people to help keep their dogs smelling fresh and clean. But among the many anti-odor shampoos for dogs on the market today, which product should you choose for your dog?

This is probably a question asked by many pet owners. Because any pet dog will smell unpleasant if not bathed and cleaned. Choosing an inappropriate shower gel is also ineffective in “eliminating” persistent unpleasant odors on the dog’s body. Currently, shower gel brands have launched many types of shower gel specifically to treat odors for dogs. But anti-odor shower gel for dogs Which type is best and most effective? Join us to see the answer in the next part of the article!

1. Fay 5-star anti-odor dog shower gel

Fay 5-star is a Vietnamese shower gel brand, highly appreciated by experts for its quality and trusted by consumers because of its many advantages, effects and outstanding benefits in caring for pets.

Fay 5-star shower gel has main ingredients such as Lanolin, Panthenol and citrus essential oils. The product brings many outstanding effects and benefits such as: Eliminating odors on skin and hair; retains fragrance for up to 10 days; Provides moisture for healthy, smooth skin and hair; treatment of dermatitis; Kills ticks, lice, fleas and harmful bacteria on dog skin and fur…

Anti-odor shower gel for dogs 5-star Fay has a reference price of about 190,000 VND/800ml bottle; 79,000 VND/300ml bottle.

Fay 5 stars is a Vietnamese shower gel brand
Fay 5 stars is a Vietnamese shower gel brand
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2. Joyce & Dolls Valley anti-odor dog shampoo

If your dog is extremely smelly and you have tried many different types of shower gel and it still doesn’t work. Then Joyce & Dolls Valley shower gel is the perfect suggestion for you. The product received many positive reviews and feedback about its ability to treat odor from users after use. Even with very smelly dog ​​breeds like spaniels, pugs or chow chows, Joyce & Dolls Valley shower gel can still eliminate odors quickly and effectively.

Joyce & Dolls Valley shower gel has an extremely special and effective anti-odor formula. The combination of the nutritional duo Irgasan and Tego helps completely eliminate odors on dogs’ bodies in an instant. At the same time, it effectively prevents bacteria from attacking and causing odors to return. The elegant fragrance stays on the dog’s body for up to 10 days, helping you and your dog become closer, and your family’s living environment is also more hygienic and cleaner.

Anti-odor shower gel for dogs Joyce & Dolls Valley has a reference price of about 200,000 VND/650ml.

Joyce & Dolls Valley anti-odor dog shampoo
Joyce & Dolls Valley anti-odor dog shampoo
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3. Black SOS anti-odor dog shower gel

Black SOS shower gel originating from Taiwan has outstanding effects in cleaning skin and hair; remove dirt; specifically treats dog body odor; prevents odor from returning for 10 days; care and nourish smooth hair; destroys parasites such as fleas, lice, lice, and ticks that cause skin diseases; Treats fungus and dermatitis.

The main ingredients of SOS shower gel include refined solution, Cocoamidopropyl Betaine, alkylate glycoside, NaCl salt, Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate, peg-6000, Citric Acid. The product is absolutely safe for dogs’ health because it does not contain chemicals or any toxic ingredients.

Anti-odor shower gel for dogs Black SOS has a reference price of about 85,000 VND/530ml bottle.

Black SOS shower gel originates from Taiwan
Black SOS shower gel originates from Taiwan
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4. Orange BoBo anti-odor dog shampoo

BoBo orange shower gel is recommended by experts when you want to kill fungus and parasites; Prevent infections, especially treat bad odor for your pet dog. Bobo shower gel is currently not only popular in the Vietnamese market but also famous worldwide due to its outstanding effectiveness and high safety.

In addition, orange Bobo shower gel also has fibrous protein to help care for and nourish soft, healthy hair, without tangles or clumps; minimize hair loss; stimulates hair to grow quickly. The product does not sting your eyes, does not cause irritation or skin rashes, so you can rest assured to buy and bathe your dog.

The product has a reference price of about 85,000 VND/bottle.

BoBo orange anti-odor shampoo for dogs
BoBo orange anti-odor shampoo for dogs
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* Hopefully with 4 suggestions anti-odor shower gel for dogs We share above, you can choose a product that best suits your dog. Don’t forget to accompany to gain more useful knowledge about pet care!

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