TOP 5 dry foods for puppies that deserve the most attention

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Dry puppy food will be the best and most convenient choice for families who own and care for a puppy. Let’s see now what are the best dry puppy food products that are trusted today.

Each type of dry food has its own advantages and limitations. Therefore, it is very difficult to draw an exact conclusion which is the best dry food for puppies? Below we would like to suggest some types of dry food that are most popular and chosen by pet owners:

Classic Pets dry puppy food

Classic Pets milk-flavored dry food specifically for puppies has a milky white exterior combined with a banana green color. The product originates from Thailand and has a reference price of 60,000 VND/1kg.

The main ingredient of Classic Pets dry food is grain, does not contain chemicals and toxic ingredients, so it is very safe to feed puppies. However, if fed to puppies for long periods of time, the vitamins, minerals and proteins in cereals can cause indigestion in your puppies.

Classic Pets dog food
Classic Pets dog food
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Dry food for puppies Zenith

Zenith puppy food originates from Korea. The reference selling price of the product is 200,000 VND/1.2kg.

The main ingredients in Zenith puppy food are brown rice and lamb. Nutrients such as starch, protein, protein, omega 3 and omega 6… found in Zenith food will help dogs grow quickly and stay healthy.

Zenith dry puppy food
Zenith dry puppy food
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Dry food for puppies Ganador

Ganador dog food is an extremely famous pet food brand in France. The product was imported to Vietnam and was quickly trusted and chosen by pet owners in our country because of both quality and safety. The product has a moderate price, about 68,000 VND/1.5 kg.

Dry food for puppies Ganador contains 7% protein, vitamins and many other nutrients. In particular, the product also contains antioxidants and selenium to help puppies strengthen their immune system and resistance very well. Ganador dog food products are very diverse and rich, the nutritional content is calculated to suit each dog breed at each different age.

Ganador dry puppy food
Ganador dry puppy food
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Dry food for puppies Fitmin

Fitmin is the leading pet food brand in the Czech Republic. Fitmin dog food has a reference price of 168,000 VND/3kg.

Fitmin is one of the very few pet food brands that uses fresh meat for processing with a moisture content of up to 70%. The nutritional ingredients in Fitmin dog food are suitable for each different development stage of each dog breed. Dry food for puppies Fitmin has a variety of flavors, made from beef, rabbit meat, lamb, salmon, potatoes… to help small dogs develop maximally.

Fitmin dry puppy food
Fitmin dry puppy food
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Bichon Frize Nike dry puppy food

Nike dry food for Bichon Frize puppies is formulated to meet the nutritional needs of puppies, specialized for Bichon Frisé dogs. Contains cereal ingredients, chicken / beef flavor, vegetables, vitamins A, E, D3, trace elements, fatty acids, protein, calcium necessary for the dog’s adult stage. Ensure nutritional balance and enhance the dog’s resistance and immune system. Helps strengthen the immune system to avoid bone diseases, urinary tract diseases, allergies, cataracts and fatigue common in dogs.

The product is currently sold at reference price: 911,000 VND / 5kg

Nike Bichon Frisé Puppy Food
Nike Bichon Frize Puppy Food
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* In addition to the best deodorizing shower gel products for dogs as we shared above, you can refer to some other deodorizing shower gel products such as joyce & doll, olive, sleeky, fay, SOS… To buy genuine, quality and safe shower gel products, you should go to large and famous pet sales addresses. Avoid buying shower gel at unreliable addresses because the risk of buying fake or counterfeit goods is very high.

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