The best shower gel for dogs and cats recommended by experts

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Summary of the best shower gels for dogs and cats recommended by experts below will help you no longer wonder which shower gel to choose for your dogs and cats.

Veterinary experts say that choosing the wrong shower gel can affect the skin and fur of dogs and cats. Dogs and cats are at very high risk of skin diseases such as scabies, dermatitis, irritation, and rashes. Therefore, choosing shower gel for dogs and cats is also very difficult. You need to choose shower gels for dogs and cats with a PH level ranging from 7 to 7.14; Choose a shower gel suitable for the age, fur nature and health status of each dog and cat. So where is it? shower gel for dogs and cats The best currently recommended by experts? We will reveal the answer in the next part of the article!

Learn about the best shower gel for dogs and cats recommended by experts
Learn about the best shower gel for dogs and cats recommended by experts
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Classification of shower gel for dogs and cats

Shower gel for dogs and cats is currently divided into two main types: dry shower gel and wet shower gel.

– Dry shower gel for dogs and cats: This is a specialized shower gel line for sick dogs and cats, pregnant dogs and cats, postpartum dogs and cats, kittens… who cannot bathe with water. With this type of shower gel, you don’t need to use water, just rub the shower gel directly onto the fur and body of your dog and cat until the dirt is gone. Then use a specialized comb to remove all shower gel from the fur and you’re done.

– Wet shower gel for dogs and cats: Wet shower gel is the most commonly used type and almost every pet owner cannot do without wet shower gel. When using wet shower gel, you will definitely need to use water. Bathing dogs and cats with wet shower gel will also be easier, faster, and more hygienic and clean.

3 best wet shower gels for dogs and cats

Currently on the market there are many types of wet shower gel for dogs and cats. Below we will suggest 5 types milk bathing dogs and cats The best and most trusted wet form today.

  1. SOS wet shower gel: This is a shower gel brand originating from Taiwan, divided into 5 types with different uses, especially the ability to quickly eliminate odors and preserve fragrance for up to 7 days. The product has a reference price of about 110,000 VND/530l bottle.
  2. Fay Groom wet shower gel: This shower gel is most suitable for dog breeds with curly and long fur such as Pekingese, Japanese, Poodle, Pom… Natural essential oils in Fay Groom shower gel have the effect of softening hair, Hair is no longer sticky, dry or brittle. The product has a reference price of about 150,000 VND/800ml bottle.
  3. Joyce & Doll wet shower gel: Joyce & Doll shower gel has natural ingredients that are extremely gentle and safe for dogs and cats. In addition to the ability to specifically treat ticks, lice, and fleas, Joyce & Doll shower gel also helps effectively deodorize and preserve a long-lasting fragrance on the skin. The product has a reference price of about 220,000 VND/400ml bottle.
Joyce & Doll wet dog and cat shower gel
Joyce & Doll wet dog and cat shower gel
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In addition to 3 types shower gel for dogs and cats Above, you can also choose some other shower gel products such as: Bio Care, Perfect Coat, Trixie, Olive Essence, Sleeky, YU, Bio Lovely, K9…

3 best dry shower gels for dogs and cats

  1. Yu dry bath milk: As a Taiwanese shower gel brand, Yú shower gel has the effect of killing bacteria; cleans and protects skin; nourishes smooth hair; Eliminates odors and leaves a pleasant fragrance. The product has a reference price of about 180,000 VND/75ml bottle.
  2. Fay Puppy dry shower powder: Fay is the brand shower gel for dogs and cats from Vietnam but is favored by many people because of its effectiveness, good quality and low price. Fay Puppy dry shower powder helps clean skin and fur; Reduces hair loss and tangles; stimulates new hair growth; Eliminates odors quickly and effectively without using water. The product has a reference price of about 35,000 VND/120g bottle.
  3. Bobo dry shower gel: Bobo shower gel has the effect of cleaning skin and hair; Protects dog skin from the risk of allergies and rashes; Supports treatment of lice, ticks, and fleas; destroys bacteria that cause odors and harm the skin; nourishes soft fur and helps dogs and cats always smell fresh. The product has a reference price of about 50,000 VND/170g.
Bobo dry shower gel for dogs and cats
Bobo dry shower gel for dogs and cats
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In addition, you can refer to some other dry shampoo products for dogs and cats such as: Innopet, Coka Dog, Joyce & Dolls Waterless Cleansing Foam, Sleeky, Magic…

Above are some types shower gel for dogs and cats recommended by experts. Hope you choose the best and most suitable shower gel for your dogs and cats!

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