Which country is Pedigree dog food from? Is it good?

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When talking about dry dog ​​food, it would be a mistake not to mention Pedigree dog food. With outstanding quality, Pedigree dog food is very popular not only in Vietnam but also around the world.

So which country is Pedigree dog food from? What types are there? Is it good? Is it expensive? Let’s find answers to these questions through the article below!

Which country is Pedigree dog food from?

Pedigree dog food is a famous brand of Mars Group (USA). Mars Group has more than 60 years of reputation and experience in the field of manufacturing and trading pet food products.

Not only is Pedigree food produced on leading modern technology lines in the US, it also passes rigorous testing by US agencies and organizations. Therefore, you can rest assured feeding your dog Pedigree food every day.

Pedigree dog food is a famous brand of Mars Group (USA).
Pedigree dog food is a famous brand of Mars Group (USA).
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What types of Pedigree dog food are there?

Pedigree dog food There are two main types: puppy food and adult dog food with many different flavors such as liver and chicken; taste of salted pork sticks; smoked beef stick flavor; smoked beef flavor; grilled liver taste; chicken and vegetable flavor…

When buying Pedigree dog food, you need to choose the most suitable food based on your dog’s age.

Is Pedigree dog food good?

+ Raw materials used to produce dog food Pedigree includes corn, soybeans, wheat, meat meal, bones, soybean meal, soybean fat, corn starch, soybean residue, eggs, cereals, palm essential oil…

+ Nutritional composition of Pedigree dog food Contains all 4 groups of nutrients: fat, fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins to help dogs develop comprehensively. In particular, the nutritional ratio has been carefully calculated by experts to suit each stage of development and age of each dog breed.

+ Abundant calcium content helps dogs’ bones and teeth stay strong.

+ Omega 3 & 6 along with vitamins and micro-minerals in Pedigree food help care for and nourish the dog’s skin and fur, making it soft and healthy.

+ Pedigree dog food It doesn’t take time to process or cook, so it helps save maximum time. The only thing you need to do is take the amount of food according to your dog’s age and put it in the food tray for them to eat. Therefore, it is very suitable for people who want to raise dogs but do not have time to cook fresh food because they are too busy.

+ Pedigree dog food minimizes the use of additives, artificial flavors, and preservatives so it is safe for your dog.

Pedigree dog food has all the necessary nutrients for dogs to grow healthily
Pedigree dog food has all the necessary nutrients for dogs to grow healthily
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How much does Pedigree dog food cost?

Cost of dog food Pedigree is considered quite soft and suitable for many different subjects. The reference selling price of Pedigree dog food on the market is as follows:

  • Pedigree dog food with chicken, grilled liver and vegetables flavor: 12,000 VND.
  • Pedigree dog food with salted pork stick flavor: 35,000 VND.
  • Pedigree dog food with smoked beef stick flavor: 35,000 VND.
  • Pedigree dog food with smoked beef flavor: 12,000 VND.
  • Pedigree dog food grilled liver flavor: 35,000 VND.
  • Pedigree dog food with chicken and vegetable flavor: 115,000 VND

Where to buy genuine Pedigree dog food?

To buy genuine Pedigree dog food, you should go to large and reputable pet stores and supermarkets on the market. When shopping here, you should ask to see documents proving the product’s origin to avoid buying fake, fake and poor quality Pedigree food.

You should buy Pedigree food at reputable stores
You should buy Pedigree food at reputable stores
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* Pedigree dog food With good quality, high safety and affordable price, it has been the top choice of many dog ​​and cat owners in Vietnam and around the world. Therefore, if you are still wondering about the quality of Pedigree food or whether you should use Pedigree food, you can rest assured.

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