What should puppies eat to avoid diarrhea? Instructions for choosing food according to age

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Sen is wondering what should puppies eat to avoid diarrhea? This article will guide you how to choose age-appropriate puppy food to provide adequate nutrition to help your dog grow quickly and healthily.

What puppies should eat to avoid diarrhea or what is best to feed them depends on the Boss’s age. Each age group will have foods suitable for their digestive system to best absorb nutrients.

What do puppies eat when they are 8 – 16 weeks old?

Puppies from 8 to 16 weeks old are the age at which puppies will get new homes, so their diet should not have too many changes to avoid the situation where the boss has a stomach ache, loss of appetite, or even quitting. eat.

1-2 weeks when you first bring your puppy home, feed him the same food he was eating before. Along with that, alternate new foods to help your dog gradually get used to it. If you cook food for dogs, you can feed your children beef, pork, eggs, fish, pumpkin, and carrots. When cooking, it needs to be cooked until soft or pureed. Puppies should not be fed raw food, and raw food is not recommended because the puppy’s immune system is not fully developed to deal with the amount of bacteria.

In addition, when giving your puppy water to drink, make sure it is clean water, preferably boiled and cooled water. In case you feed your dog grain food or pate, you also need to choose food for your puppy according to its age.

What do puppies eat?
You can feed your children beef, pork, eggs, fish, pumpkin, and carrots. When cooking, it needs to be cooked until soft or pureed.
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What do puppies eat when they are 16 – 24 weeks old?

At this stage, in addition to maintaining the same food as at the age of 8-16 weeks, puppies need to supplement 16-24 week old puppies with protein food from as much meat as possible.

Besides, you can also consider letting your small dogs gradually practice eating some types of raw bones. Because this is the time when permanent teeth are growing, puppies need to be actively encouraged to chew something that is good for their dental health instead of biting and destroying furniture in the house. However, it should be noted that feeding puppies raw food should be limited, only 1-3 times a week, and absolutely no cooked food.

When feeding new food to puppies from 16 – 24 weeks old, you need to monitor the boss for any unusual signs such as: abnormal stools, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue… If so, you need to change the food and Take the puppy to the vet.

What do puppies eat?
At the age of 8-16 weeks old, puppies need to supplement 16-24 week old puppies with protein food from as much meat as possible.
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What do puppies eat when they are 6 months old?

What do puppies eat when they are 6 months old? 6 months old is the period when puppies begin to transition into adulthood, so they can eat all types of food, except foods that are advised not to be fed to dogs. 6-month-old dogs can eat both grain food and home-cooked food.

For dry food, the lotus needs to carefully read the ingredients in the food, the appropriate age, and ensure it does not contain sources of bad ingredients and toxic substances. For fresh foods to buy and cook, children need to eat properly and eat enough protein nutrients from chicken, turkey, pork, fish, and lean beef; carbohydrates from rice, pasta, potatoes; fats in the form of vegetable oils; fiber from peas, carrots, green beans; vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables.

What do puppies eat?
6 month old dogs are mature so they can eat a variety of foods
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Foods to avoid feeding puppies

Sen needs to protect his puppy boss by protecting them from the following foods/foods:

+ Avocado, chocolate, macadamia nuts, onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, chives.

+ Human milk.

+ Wine, cheese.

+ Coffee, caffeine.

+ Salty, spicy foods like potato chips.

+ Foods using xylitol such as: chewing gum, toothpaste, cakes, etc.

What do puppies eat?
Foods not intended for puppies
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In addition, when feeding puppies, you need to pay attention to the following things:

+ Do not use spoiled food for puppies to eat.

+ Have your child drink water regularly, especially when eating grain foods to prevent constipation.

+ For puppies 8–16 weeks old, they should be fed 4-6 meals/day; Puppies from 16–24 weeks old can reduce to 3 meals/day, when the dog is 6 months old, they only need to eat 2 meals/day.

Above is our answer to the question of what puppies should eat to avoid diarrhea, along with instructions for choosing food according to each age. Hopefully this has helped you gain more information and experience to take care of your boss!

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