What are the outstanding advantages of Fitmin dog food?

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With a history of nearly 30 years of construction and development, Fitmin dog food is the most perfect and best choice for dogs today.

Are you interested in Fitmin dog food but don’t know the quality of the product? Is it safe to use for your pet dog? To know, please find out more details in the article below.

Advantages of Fitmin dog food

Fitmin dog food has a clear origin
Fitmin dog food has a clear origin
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  • Fitmin dog food has a clear origin. And produced on a modern technological line, the product is safe and of good quality, helping owners feel more secure when using it for their pet dogs.
  • It is a trusted product and belongs to the TOP best-selling brands in the Vietnamese market.
  • The ingredients used to make Fitmin dog food are made from 70% fresh meat, bringing more nutrition to the boss.
  • Fitmin dog food is also formulated with a nutritional regimen suitable for each age and stage of development of the dog boss. Fitmin dog food products are formulated with nutritional content suitable for both puppies, old dogs and adult dogs.
  • Ingredients in dry food are mainly from beef, lamb, rabbit meat, salmon and potatoes, corn, rice, fish, poultry fat, dietary sugar, chicken eggs, flaxseed, apple juice, yeast. beer, salmon oil, yucca extract, calcium hydrogen phosphate fructooligosaccharides, rosemary extract and natural antioxidant blend. Make sure to provide enough nutritional ingredients such as fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, and calcium to help dogs develop maximally.
  • Although produced according to European standards and international quality, Fitmin dog food has an average price and is suitable for consumers in the Vietnamese market.

What types of Fitmin dog food are there?

Fitmin has a variety of product lines to serve the needs of most dogs today such as dry food, wet food and treats.

1. Fitmin dry dog ​​food

It is the most popular food for dogs today. The product is processed into granules and dry pieces, making it very convenient to preserve and feed dogs immediately. This is also the food most loved by many dogs.

Fitmin dry dog ​​food also has nutritional content suitable for all dog breeds from small dogs under 13kg, to large breeds weighing 13 – 35kg, even dogs weighing over 35kg are also available. This brand produces products specifically designed to best suit the nutritional needs of each dog breed.

2. Fitmin wet dog food

Fitmin wet dog food
Fitmin wet dog food
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In order to diversify meals for dogs, manufacturers and experts also researched and launched Fitmin wet food. These are the same ingredients as dry food, but the concentration is increased. That’s why the nutritional content in wet Fitmin dog food is very large. Currently, on the market there are 2 types of wet food that dogs especially love: Fitmin for life menu meat mix with main ingredients of meat and vegetables; Fitmin Purity with ingredients mainly from marine fish, supplemented with Omega 6 and 3.

3. Fitmin treats for dogs

Fitmin treats for dogs
Fitmin treats for dogs
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Treats are considered an effective assistant for dog owners in the process of training their dogs. This is just a side food and should be used when the dog is obedient. It should not be used as food for main meals because of its low nutritional content. Fitmin treats are beautifully designed with many different flavors such as chicken, beef, liver…, owners can freely choose the flavor that their dog likes best.

Should I buy Fitmin dog food?

With the advantages and quality mentioned above, this is truly a product worth choosing for your dog. With a variety of product lines suitable for each dog breed, you need to carefully research which type is most suitable for your dog.

In addition, there are many types of good quality food on the market such as Royal Canin, ANF, Zenith, SmartHeart… you can refer to more to choose for your pet dog.

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