What are the advantages and disadvantages of Classic Pets dog food?

Join us to learn in detail about Classic Pets dog food to know why this food brand is increasingly popular in Vietnam.

There are many requirements of pet owners when choosing dry dog ​​food. The most important factors are still nutrition and safety. So does Classic Pets dog food meet these two factors? Let’s see why Classic Pets dog food trusted by many pet owners in the next part of the article!

Classic Pets is a famous Thai dog food brand
Classic Pets is a famous Thai dog food brand
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Classic Pets dog food has nclear origin and origin

Classic Pets is a famous dog food brand of Perfect Companion Co., Ltd. (Thailand). This is also a pioneer company in the field of dog food production and sales in Thailand. Classic Pets dog food products are produced using modern technology and standard systems of AAFCO and the American Research Council (NRC).

Classic Pets dog food is not only optimized in terms of quality, ingredients, and nutritional composition, but also has a delicious taste and extremely stimulates the taste buds of dogs.

According to customer reviews, Classic Pets dog food is most suitable for large-sized and muscular dog breeds such as bulldogs, French bulls, pitbulls, Tibetan mastiffs, goldens, and other dogs. Dogs in their reproductive years need a lot of nutrients. In addition, other dog breeds can still use Classic Pets dog food very well.

What types of Classic Pets dog food are available? How much?

Classic Pets dog food There are two main food lines: puppy food and adult dog food. The flavors of Classic Pets food are also very diverse and rich such as: beef flavor, milk flavor, grilled beef flavor, grilled liver flavor…

The price of Classic Pets dog food is considered very affordable, about 43,000 VND/0.5kg.

Classic Pets milk-flavored food for small dogs
Classic Pets milk-flavored food for small dogs
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Pros and cons of Classic Pets dog food


+ Classic Pets dog food is made from safe ingredients such as soybean meal, corn, tapioca, poultry fat, poultry meal, rice bran, minerals (calcium carbonate, phosphate, monocalciu, sodium chloride, ferrous sulfate, potassium chloride, copper sulfate, cabalt sulfate, manganese oxide, potassium iodide, zinc oxide, selenium), vitamins A, K, D, E, rinofflavin B2, Thiamine B1, Niacin B3, Pyridoxine B6, Panthothenic Acid B5, Biotin, Cobalamin B12, flavor…… Clean and safe production ingredients help dogs stay away from intestinal diseases such as worms, tapeworms…

+ Essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 and 6 care for, nourish and protect healthy skin and shiny fur. At the same time, it effectively prevents skin diseases in dogs.

+ Selenium combined with vitamin E helps strengthen the health and immune system of dogs to stay healthy.

+ Abundant protein and fat help dogs stay full of energy and maximize muscle development.

+ Phosphorus and calcium help dogs’ bones, teeth, and jaws stay strong.

+ In particular, Classic Pets is one of the very few dog food brands that contain starch. Therefore, dogs must regularly exercise and train with high intensity Classic Pets dog food is the absolutely perfect choice.

+ Feed dogs directly, no need to process, so it’s very convenient and saves time.

Classic Pets food provides all the nutrients dogs need
Classic Pets food provides all the nutrients dogs need
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+ Low fiber and water content makes dogs susceptible to constipation and, worse, kidney stones. To fix it, you need to give your dog water after eating and add green vegetables to daily meals.

How to use Classic Pets dog food

– For puppies under 5kg: You should feed 80-150g Classic Pets dog food everyday.

– For small dogs from 5-10kg: You should feed 150-250g of food per day.

– For medium dogs from 10-25kg: You should give 250-430g of Classic Pets food every day.

– For large dogs from 25-50kg: You should feed 430-730kg of Classic Pets food every day.

The amount of food per day depends on each dog breed, age, activity level and feeding needs. Note, for small dogs under 6 months old, you should soak dry food with water or warm milk before feeding to make digestion easier. As for dogs 6 months or older, you should feed them directly to practice chewing ability and stimulate jaw muscle development.

* We hope the information we share above will be useful to you when you are wondering whether or not to buy. Classic Pets dog food.

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