The most effective anti-bug shower gel for cats today

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Vime Shampo, Budle’Budle Flea & Tick ShamPoo, Anova Pink and Bdiio Derma are the 4 best-selling anti-bug shampoos for cats on the market today. If you want your cat to stay healthy and stay away from fleas, you should immediately buy one of these 4 shower gels.

According to veterinary experts, if not treated promptly and the parasitic mites are left on the body for too long, the cat can suffer from dermatitis, anemia, anorexia, pale skin and seriously affect its health. At this time, bug-killing shower gel is a safe and effective solution when you discover that your cat has been attacked and multiplied by bugs on its body. Below, we will introduce to you 4 types anti-bug shower gel for cats best, most effective and safest.

Vime Shampo anti-bug shampoo for cats

– Origin and origin: Vietnam.

– Ingredients: 1% Sod; 10% Lauryl sulfate; 1% Flavoring; Active ingredients of the daisy group m-phenoxybenzyl, dichlorovinyl, dymethyl cyclopropanecarboxylate.

– Uses: Vime Shampo shower gel specifically treats parasites such as bugs, ticks, lice, lice, scabies; Up to 99% effective after just 1 bath; Prevents parasites from returning for up to 15 days. In addition, the product also cleans skin and fur; Eliminates odors very effectively.

– Reference selling price of anti-bug shower gel for cats Vime Shampo: 60,000 VND/300ml bottle.

Vime Shampo anti-bug shampoo for cats
Vime Shampo anti-bug shampoo for cats
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Budle’Budle Flea & Tick ShamPoo cat shampoo

+ Origin and origin: Budle’Budle Flea & Tick ShamPoo cat anti-bug shower gel is made in Korea.

+ Ingredients: 100% natural including swamp parsley root extract, chrysanthemum extract, Morus Alba root extract and Bai Zhi extract, Jojoba essential oil, lemon essence, essence aloe vera, lemongrass essence, clove essential oil…

+ Uses: Eliminate ticks, lice, bugs and parasites on the cat’s body; Prevents parasites from returning for up to 1 month; prevent viral infections; restores damaged skin and tangled, broken hair; nourishes smooth hair and soft skin; Eliminates unpleasant odors to keep your cat smelling fresh for days…

+ Reference selling price of anti-bug shower gel for cats Budle’Budle Flea & Tick ShamPoo: 189,000 VND/300ml bottle.

Budle'Budle Flea & Tick ShamPoo Anti-Bug Shower Gel
Budle’Budle Flea & Tick ShamPoo Anti-Bug Shower Gel
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Anova Pink anti-bug shower gel for cats

+ Origin and origin: France.

+ Ingredients: Permethrin.

+ Uses: Eliminates fleas, ticks, and lice on dogs and cats; eliminates unpleasant odors from skin and fur; care for healthy skin and shiny fur.

+ Reference selling price of anti-bug shower gel for cats Anova Pink: 110,000 VND/150ml bottle.

Anova Pink anti-bug shower gel for cats
Anova Pink anti-bug shower gel for cats
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Bio Derma anti-bug shower gel for cats

+ Origin and origin: Vietnam.

+ Ingredients: Purified water, amitraz and ketoconazole.

+ Uses: Prevention and treatment of mites, lice, bugs, lice, scabies, skin fungus; clean skin and fur; Minimize hair loss; Eliminate cat body odor; Helps hair stay fragrant and clean…

+ Reference price: 41,000 VND/150ml bottle.

Bio Derma anti-bug shower gel for cats
Bio Derma anti-bug shower gel for cats
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In Viet Nam, anti-bug shower gel for cats is sold at many stores on the market. However, to avoid the situation of buying fake shower gel, priced and of poor quality, you should buy at large, reputable and highly reliable pet stores and supermarkets.

Absolutely do not buy anti-bug shower gel for cats at small stores or sales units that are not well-known and reputable. Because the risk of buying counterfeit goods is very high. When bathing your cat with imitation or fake shower gel, not only will the fleas not be removed, but it will also cause dermatitis, skin irritation, and even endanger the cat’s health.

Hopefully with 4 suggestions about anti-bug shower gel for cats We share above, you will choose the most suitable product for your cat. Wishing you and your cat always be healthy, happy and have wonderful moments together!

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