The best shower gels for puppies today

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Compared to adult dogs, puppies’ skin is much more fragile and sensitive. Therefore, choosing a suitable, quality and safe shampoo for puppies is something that owners need to pay special attention to.

Using shower gel, shampoo, soap, dishwashing liquid to bathe puppy bosses can cause skin irritation, rashes, dermatitis, hair loss, faded hair… According to veterinarians , dog breeders should choose dog shower gel with a PH level from 7 to 7.14 to ensure safety for the dog’s fur, skin and health. And some puppy shampoo brands that can meet this criterion include:

SOS puppy shower gel

  • Origin: Taiwan.
  • Ingredients: Completely extracted from nature.
  • Effects: Removes dirt, deodorizes, kills bacteria, provides moisture to the skin, nourishes and softens hair, fragrance lasts up to 10 days; Helps kill and prevent ticks, lice, fleas, lice and parasites.
  • Safety: Gentle natural ingredients do not cause skin irritation at all.
  • Reference price: 85,000 VND/530ml bottle.
SOS puppy shower gel
SOS puppy shower gel
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Bio Care puppy shower gel

  • Origin: Vietnam.
  • Ingredients: Acid, Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate, Permethrin,
  • Effects: Special treatment for ticks, lice, ticks, fleas; softens fur; minimize hair loss; restore damaged skin; protects skin from disease-causing bacteria; deodorization…
  • Safety: The ingredients in Bio Care puppy shower gel are very gentle, do not contain toxic substances, so they are very safe and friendly to the skin of dogs.
  • Reference price: 90,000 VND/500ml bottle.
Bio Care puppy shower gel
Bio Care puppy shower gel
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Perfect Coat puppy shampoo

  • Origin: America
  • Ingredients: According to the manufacturer’s announcement, 99% of the ingredients in Perfect Coat shower gel are from natural sources such as oatmeal, panthenol, liposomes and gentle suitcase fragrance.
  • Effect: Removes dirt; hair cleaning; Moisturizes dog skin to prevent itching, dryness, and allergies; Keeps hair healthy and shiny; Outstanding antibacterial ability to protect the skin; Helps kill ticks, lice, fleas…
  • Safety: Because it is extracted from nature, it is very safe for both dogs and lotus dogs.
  • Reference price: 200,000 VND/380ml bottle.
Perfect Coat puppy shampoo
Perfect Coat puppy shampoo
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Trixie puppy shower gel

  • Origin: Germany
  • Ingredients: Sea buckthorn essential oil, Maccadamia seeds and fatty acids.
  • Effects: Restores damaged skin; Prevents fading, fading and discoloration; Supports treatment and prevention of ticks, fleas, and lice; Care and nourish soft, smooth hair; reduces hair loss; stimulates hair growth; Fresh and long-lasting fragrance helps effectively eliminate odors…
  • Safety: Trixie puppy shower gel has been tested for safety by reputable agencies and organizations, suitable for even dogs with extremely sensitive and easily irritated skin.
  • Reference price: 140,000 VND/300ml bottle.
Trixie puppy shower gel
Trixie puppy shower gel
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Joyce & Dolls puppy shampoo

  • Origin: Korea.
  • Ingredients: 100% extracted from essential oils of natural flowers.
  • Effects: Effective in treating bad odor; The gentle fragrance lasts up to 7 days; Moisturizes the skin to keep it healthy and soft; nourishes shiny hair; reduces hair loss; Restores skin after damage, repels parasites, ticks, fleas…
  • Safety: The safety of Joyce & Dolls puppy shower gel has been verified by consumers, causing absolutely no skin irritation or rashes for the dog boss.
  • Reference price: 250,000 VND/400ml bottle.
Joyce & Dolls puppy shampoo
Joyce & Dolls puppy shampoo
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Olive Essence puppy shampoo

  • Origin: Korea.
  • Ingredients: Completely natural extracts and olive oil.
  • Effects: Nourishes and cares for healthy, soft skin from deep within; Provides necessary moisture to the skin; eliminates odors for up to 10 days; repels ticks, lice and fleas; Kill bacteria and protect the dog’s body.
  • Safety: Olive Essence shower gel has a neutral PH level, does not contain chemicals or toxic ingredients, so it is absolutely safe for dogs.
  • Reference price: 65,000 VND/1 bottle of 450ml.
Olive Essence puppy shampoo
Olive Essence puppy shampoo
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Above are the top 6 famous puppy shampoo brands in the world. Shower gel products of these brands are widely sold in many countries around the world, including Vietnam. You can absolutely find and buy products from the above shower gel brands at pet stores. But remember to choose a large and reputable store to buy genuine shower gel and ensure quality!

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