The best shower gels for Pug dogs should be bought immediately

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Many people choose to raise Pug dogs because they have a lovely appearance and are intelligent, affectionate and loyal. However, to keep your Pug dog clean, fragrant and free of skin diseases, you need to choose shower gel for your Pug dog very carefully.

In fact, when raising dogs, many people have the habit of using human shower gel or shampoo to bathe their dogs. Most believe that this is harmless and will not have any effect on the Pug’s health. But the reality is completely opposite, bathing a Pug dog with human shower gel will have extremely serious effects on the Pug dog’s skin, health and coat. Because compared to human skin, Pug dog skin is much more sensitive. When choosing shower gel for dogs, you should only choose shower gel with a PH level ranging from 7-7.14 to avoid causing skin irritation, fading or hair loss. Below are 4 brands shower gel for Pug dogs best you should use.

Many people choose to raise Pug dogs because they have a lovely appearance and are intelligent, affectionate and loyal
Many people choose to raise Pug dogs because they have a lovely appearance and are intelligent, affectionate and loyal
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Pug dog shower gel – Perfect Coat

Perfect Coat shower gel is sourced from the United States. According to statistics in the Vietnamese market, Perfect Coat is one of the best-selling dog shower gels today. The product is suitable for all dog breeds of many different ages.

The main ingredients of Perfect Coat shower gel are oatmeal extract, panthenol, liposome and vanilla scent with a pleasant, gentle aroma. The product has many outstanding effects such as quickly removing dirt on the Pug dog’s body; remove stains on fur; Provides moisture to keep skin soft and hair smooth; minimize hair loss; stimulates hair growth; Protects skin from itching, dryness, and allergies; Helps kill ticks, lice and fleas…

Presently shower gel for Pug dogs – Perfect Coat has a reference price of about 200,000 VND/380ml bottle.

Perfect Coat dog shampoo
Perfect Coat dog shampoo
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Pug dog shower gel – Bio Care

Bio Care dog shower gel is a Vietnamese brand and is produced directly in Vietnam, so it is much cheaper than other imported dog shower gel brands. The product is the ideal choice for pet owners of low or middle income levels. However, just because it is cheap does not mean the quality of Bio Care shower gel is not guaranteed. According to consumer reviews, the quality of Bio Care shower gel is not inferior to foreign shower gel brands currently sold in the Vietnamese market.

With the main ingredients sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate, Permethrin, Acid, Bio Care shower gel is effective in treating parasites on dog hair and skin such as scabies, ticks, fleas, lice, and lice. This helps Pug dogs stay away from skin diseases and keep their skin healthy. Besides, Bio Care shower gel also helps clean skin and hair; Eliminates odor for Pug dogs to always smell fresh; care and nourish shiny hair…

Shower gel for Pug dogs – Bio Care currently has a reference price of about 95,000 VND/500ml bottle; 50,000 VND/200ml bottle.

Bio Care dog shampoo
Bio Care dog shampoo
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Pug dog shower gel – BBN

BBN is a famous American shower gel brand, trusted by many pet owners around the world because of its high quality and safety. The product is currently available in many countries around the world in Europe, Asia and America.V

BBN shower gel has main ingredients extracted from fruits such as watermelon and grapes. BBN shower gel is divided into many different types such as special treatment for ticks and lice, hair care and softness; restore coat color; destroys fungi and bacteria; creates shine for fur; hair whitening shower gel…

Currently, BBN shower gel has a reference price of about 90,000 VND/500ml bottle.

BBN dog shampoo
BBN dog shampoo
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Above are 4 brands shower gel for Pug dogs The best and trusted by many people. You can choose a type of shower gel that best suits your economic conditions and your Pug dog to help your Pug dog stay clean, fragrant and healthy!

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