Learn about Royal Canin Poodle Puppy food for Poodle puppies

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Royal Canin Poodle dog food is a food specifically for Poodle puppies under 10 months. The product contains many necessary nutrients to ensure healthy development for Poodle puppies.

As you know, Poodle puppies under 10 months old have a rather weak digestive system because they are not yet fully developed. Therefore, choosing the right food for dogs every day is extremely important that owners need to pay attention to. Whether it is fresh food or prepared dry food for dogs, it is necessary to ensure food safety and the most suitable nutritional ingredients to help them best digest and absorb.

Choosing dry food specifically for Poodle puppies is considered the best and most effective solution. Because this type of food has been thoroughly researched by experienced experts to suit the needs of Poodle puppies. Among them, Royal Canin Poodle Puppy food for Poodle puppies is the best product trusted by many people that you should pay attention to. To help you feel more secure before choosing to buy for your dog, we will share more information about this product in the article below.

Is Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food suitable for Poodle puppies?
Is Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food suitable for Poodle puppies?
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Where does Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food come from?

A famous dog food brand from France. The product is manufactured on an advanced and modern production line, ensuring quality and safety from raw materials to production, providing dog food products with guaranteed quality and nutritional ingredients suitable for your needs. development needs of dogs. With a variety of foods suitable for each breed and age of dog, owners should trust and choose them. Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food specifically for Poodle puppies is rated well and is chosen by many Poodle puppy owners today.

Ingredients and effects of Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food

Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food comes from France
Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food comes from France
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Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food includes important ingredients for the development of puppies such as:

  • Omega3 (EPA/DHA) and Omega 6: The benefits of supplementing Omega 3 and Omega 6 for Poodle puppies include increased resistance, improved sleep, smoother coat, and reduced inflammatory skin diseases. Develop a smarter and more agile brain.
  • Contains 4 types of vitamin B: Helps strengthen and protect healthy skin
  • Protein content accounts for 33%: Helps increase protein and ratio Proper nutritional ratio to control puppy growth and weight.
  • Vitamin E, C, Taurine and Lutein: Helps increase resistance for Poodle puppies

What benefits does Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food bring to Poodle puppies?

Breed-specific dry dog ​​food for Poodle puppies
Breed-specific dry dog ​​food for Poodle puppies
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This is said to be a breed-specific dry dog ​​food for Poodle puppies from 2 – 10 months old. Therefore, this type of food has been carefully researched by the manufacturer to help provide the most necessary nutrients for young Poodle puppies to ensure the best development. Supports brain development and strong bones

In addition, to stimulate the appetite of Poodle puppies, the manufacturer also creates dry dog ​​food with a delicious taste, stimulating their taste buds to help them eat better and digest better. Help them not skip meals due to loss of appetite. A common condition in small Poodles.

How much does Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food cost? Where do you buy it?

Royal Canin Poodle Puppy Dog Food is currently marketed in two types:

  • Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food 0.5kg: Price ranges from 115,000 – 125,000 VND
  • Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food 1.5kg: Price ranges from 325,000 – 405,000 VND

To buy genuine Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food products that are guaranteed to have good quality, you should go to large stores that specialize in selling pet foods of reputable and good quality brands on the market. such as: Ganador dog food, Smartheart, ANF, Fib’s, Fitmin… In addition, you should listen to the advice of people with many years of experience raising pet dogs, they will show you reputable addresses that they frequent. coming for a long time. Surely here will help you buy Royal Canin Poodle Puppy dog ​​food that ensures good quality.

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