Is Royal Canin dog food good?

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Royal Canin dog food is very famous among pet owners and is trusted and chosen by many people. But what about the truth? Is Royal Canin dog food really as good as advertised?

When it comes to dog food, owners certainly cannot ignore Royal Canin food which is extremely famous and popular around the world. With the detailed information below, you will definitely have more information to draw conclusions Royal Canin dog food is it good? Is it worth using?

Royal Canin dog food comes from France
Royal Canin dog food comes from France
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Where does Royal Canin dog food come from?

Royal Canin dog food is a famous brand managed by Mars Group headquartered in France. Established in 1986, Royal Canin is a reputable dog and cat food brand with quality products that are trusted around the world. To date, Royal Canin products are widely available in many countries around the world.

In particular, in the Vietnamese market, Royal Canin dog food is imported 100% genuine from France because there is no manufacturing factory in Vietnam. That’s why the price of Royal Canin dog food is quite expensive.

What types of Royal Canin dog food include?

  • Based on food type: Royal Canin dog food There are two types: dry food and wet food. Specifically:

1. Dry food is made from ingredients such as dried poultry meat (poultry meal), yellow corn, yellow corn meal, wheat flour, wheat, crustacean hydrolyzate, animal fat, animal protein cartilage, oil fish, beet pulp, soybean oil, minerals, yeast, hydrolyzed yeast, beta-glucan, vitamins, preservatives, chamomile oil and antioxidants.

2. Wet food is made from ingredients such as rice flour, chicken liver, broth, pork liver, fish oil and vegetable oil.

  • Based on age: Royal Canin dog food includes puppy food and adult dog food.
  • Based on medical condition: Royal Canin dog food is available for dogs with liver disease.
  • Based on dog breed: Royal Canin dog food There is food specifically for Chihuahua, Bulldog and Poodle dogs.
Royal Canin dog food has many types for different breeds of dogs
Royal Canin dog food has many types for different breeds of dogs
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Evaluate the pros and cons of food for Royal Canin


  • Royal Canin dog food is produced on the most modern technological line system from France. Before hitting the market, dog food products are thoroughly researched and tested, so quality and safety are things that pet owners need to worry about.
  • Royal Canin dog food has a variety of products and types, suitable for dog breeds at different stages and ages of development. Therefore, owners will have more choices for their pets.
  • The nutritional content of Royal Canin dog food is very diverse and rich with ingredients such as Omega 3, DHA, Omega 6, and fatty acids that help prevent skin diseases and beautify the coat.
  • High protein content combined with sulfur amino acids stimulates hair to grow faster, longer and thicker.
  • Vitamins A, E, Taurine and Lutein help improve resistance and strengthen the immune system.
  • Eat Royal Canin dog food Has the effect of reducing tartar, helping teeth and bones become stronger.


  • The percentage of nutritional ingredients is not declared by the manufacturer on the product packaging.
  • Low fiber and water content can easily cause dogs to become constipated and damage their kidneys. But it can be overcome by giving your dog plenty of water and eating more fruits and vegetables.
  • Additives and preservatives are used. However, these substances are safe for the health of dogs because they have been licensed by authorities for use in the production of animal feed.
Royal Canin dog food provides complete nutritional ingredients
Royal Canin dog food provides complete nutritional ingredients
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So is Royal Canin dog food good?

Through the above analysis, it can be seen that although there are some disadvantages, Royal Canin dog food Still recommended by experts because of its good quality and high safety.

Pet owners need to base on their dog’s age, breed, and especially their dog’s preferences to choose the most suitable product.

Is Royal Canin dog food expensive?

  • Royal Canin Maxi Adult food for adult dogs: 1,080,000 VND/10kg bag.
  • Royal Canin Mini Adult food for adult dogs: 1,090,000 VND/8kg bag.
  • Royal Canin Mini Puppy food for puppies: 1,310,000 VND/8kg bag.
  • Royal Canin Maxi Puppy food for puppies: 1,350,000 VND/10kg bag.
  • Royal Canin food for puppies: 169,000 VND/package of 800g.
  • Royal Canin Poodle Puppy food for puppies: 150,000 VND/package of 500g.
  • Royal Canin Mini Starter Mother & Babydog food: 255,000 VND/1kg pack.
  • Royal Canin X-Small Adult food for adult dogs: 345,000 VND/bag.
  • 15kg

Address to buy genuine Royal Canin dog food

In the Vietnamese market, Royal Canin dog food is sold at many different large and small sales addresses. But it’s best for you to buy Royal Canin dog food at large and reputable sales addresses to be sure to buy genuine products with the best quality.

You should buy Royal Canin dog food at reputable addresses
You should buy Royal Canin dog food at reputable addresses
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So with the information above, you must have found the answer to the question Royal Canin dog food is it good? Hopefully after reading this article, you will choose the Royal Canin food that best suits your dog.

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