Food for British Shorthair cats: What should and should not be eaten?

British Shorthair cats have a very cute appearance but have a high risk of obesity due to lack of exercise. That’s why many breeders are interested in finding out what food for British Shorthair cats should and should not include to be good for the health of British Shorthair cats.

True to its name, the British Shorthair cat originates from England. This is also the most popular and widely raised cat breed in Vietnam today. British Shorthair cats are loved because they have a cute appearance, are not picky eaters and are difficult to care for. However, for those who are new to choosing food for British shorthair cats Letting them develop fully is still a difficult problem.

British Shorthair cats have a cute and adorable appearance
British Shorthair cats have a cute and adorable appearance
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What should food for British Shorthair cats include?

British Shorthair cats are not picky eaters so they can eat fresh and dry food. However, the most important thing is that you must carefully choose the type of food and balance the nutrients in the daily diet so that British Shorthair cats develop healthily and comprehensively.

For home-cooked fresh food:

– Meat: This is an indispensable food in the daily diet of British shorthair cats. You can feed British Shorthair cats beef, chicken, pork, sheep, geese, geese, fish… all are fine. These types of meat are rich in protein, so they will be converted into energy to help British cats exercise every day. But as you know, British cats are very lazy, so you should not feed them too much meat to avoid the risk of obesity.

– Animal organs of pigs and cows: Heart, kidney, liver, brain, lungs, spleen, oval… are very good foods for British short-haired cats. This food group is also rich in protein and fats that are good for the health of British Shorthair cats.

– Eggs: You can feed British Shorthair cats chicken eggs, quail eggs, duck eggs, balut eggs… This is food for British shorthair cats Has a very good effect in stimulating hair to grow and become healthier and more beautiful.

– Vegetables: Vegetables are a food that British Shorthair cats do not like. But don’t let that stop you from skipping this food. Green vegetables have a very high fiber content, so they are very effective in supporting digestion and preventing constipation in British short-haired cats. You just need to chop the vegetables and mix them with rice and meat and the British Shorthair cats will eat them right away.

– Pate: British short-haired cats especially like to eat pate. You can make your own pate for your British Shorthair cat and remember to only feed them about every 2-3 days because pate is very rich in fat.

– Starch: Food for British Shorthair cats Definitely indispensable starch. According to calculations by experts, the starch content in the daily meal of British short-haired cats will account for about 10-15%. Starch is abundant in rice, porridge, potatoes, and cassava and this is a rich source of energy for British short-haired cats to run, jump, and play all day.

Protein-rich, low-fat beef is the best food for British Shorthair cats
Protein-rich, low-fat beef is the best food for British Shorthair cats
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For prepared foods:

Prepared food is also currently chosen by many owners when raising British Shorthair cats. The outstanding advantage of prepared food is that you do not have to cook, saving time while still ensuring the necessary nutrition for cats.

There are many different types of processed foods, including wet foods, soft foods and dry foods. Each type of food will be suitable for British Shorthair cats of different ages and stages of development. It is important that you choose ready-made cat foods from reputable brands trusted by many owners such as Nutri Source Weight Management, O’fresh – Cat care, Me-O, Royal Canin, Home & Cat, Iskhan… to ensure quality and safety.

What should British Shorthair cats not eat?

Food for British Shorthair cats The following foods should not be included:

– Alcoholic beverages: Beer and wine can be dangerous for the brain and liver of British Shorthair cats. Just drinking 1 tablespoon of beer or wine, an adult cat will immediately fall into a coma, or even die.

– Chocolate: British Shorthair cats should not eat chocolate, especially unsweetened chocolate and dark chocolate. Caffeine found in chocolate will cause British Shorthair cats to experience muscle tremors, arrhythmia and seizures.

– Foods containing milk: Some cats cannot tolerate lactose in milk, so they are susceptible to vomiting and diarrhea.

– Grapes: Eating raisins and fresh grapes causes kidney failure in British Shorthair cats.

– Onions and garlic: If eaten too much, onions and garlic will cause the cat to become anemic and lose appetite.

– Raw tuna: This is a dangerous food for British shorthair cats. When eating raw tuna, your cat may experience vomiting and phlebitis.

Raw tuna is a dangerous food for British shorthair cats
Raw tuna is a dangerous food for British shorthair cats
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How much should British Shorthair cats eat?

+ For British short-haired cats from 1-3 months: Should be fed 4-5 meals/day, food volume is about 350-400g divided equally between meals. Food should be cooked soft and tender so that it is easy for kittens to swallow and digest.

+ For British short-haired cats from 4-6 months: Should be fed 3 meals/day, food cubes should be about 400-550g divided equally into 3 meals. Food should still cook until tender but may be a little firmer than in the previous stage.

+ For British Shorthair cats over 1 year old: Should be fed 2 meals/day, food volume is about 800-900g divided equally into 2 meals. Food may cook harder and drier.

* Hopefully through this article you will have more useful information food for British shorthair cats. Wishing you have interesting experiences in your journey of caring for and raising British Shorthair cats!

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