Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker with 3 cooking zones: Modern technology, convenient for every kitchen

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Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker is a Series 8 device from Bosch. The product is equipped with many outstanding convenient features such as cooking zone recognition feature, fast heat feature… Let’s refer to the details of this device in the review below!

1. Design of Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker

Bosch PID651DC5E is manufactured according to the highest standard technology line at the Bosch brand factory. The device has a fairly square overall size with thickness x width x length of 51 x 592 x 522 mm respectively, suitable for the kitchens of most Vietnamese families. The capacity of the stove reaches 7400W.

The Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker has 3 cooking zones of 14cm, 21cm and 32cm marked with a cross. The largest cooking zone has an expansion size of 21cm – 26cm and the largest is 32cm. This is the outstanding advantage of this stove compared to other devices in the same segment. Therefore, users can completely use small pots for large kitchen areas without fear of consuming a lot of electricity. This is a new design style that makes the device both beautiful and useful.

Bosch PID651DC5E possesses a mysterious black tone – This is a color that not only helps bring luxurious beauty but also easily combines with many interior design styles of family kitchens. The kitchen surface is beveled on 3 edges (1 front edge and 2 sides), hugging the stone surface, making the kitchen look neater and more elegant.

The glass surface of the Bosch PID651DC5E 3-zone induction cooker is made of SCHOTT CERAN glass – This is a special type of glass-ceramic, produced by the world’s leading technology group in Mainz (Germany) with the ability to withstand Extremely good strength, heat resistance and impact resistance. Therefore, this Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker is capable of resisting sudden thermal shocks of up to 750°C. Furthermore, this glass does not contain toxic heavy metals arsenic and antimony, so it is extremely safe and friendly to the surrounding environment.

Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker with 3 cooking zones: Modern technology, convenient for every kitchen
Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker has 3 cooking zones (Photo: Bosch).
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2. Modern features and technology of Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker with 3 cooking zones

The Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker is integrated with many superior cooking features to help users’ cooking process become faster and more convenient such as:

2.1. Temperature Control

Temperature Control is one of the most modern features equipped by manufacturer Bosch for its products. This feature allows people to control oil temperature at multiple levels to avoid oil burning like other devices. Temperature Control is mainly used for fried foods.

2.2. Bosch PID651DC5E integrates anti-spill feature

The Bosch PID651DC5E 3-zone induction cooker is equipped with a smart anti-overflow feature. In case you cook boiling water and spill it on the glass surface, the stove will immediately turn off the power until the user cleans the water on the glass and restarts the power source.

2.3. 17 cooking levels for each cooking zone

Bosch PID651DC5E is equipped with a long cooking range with 17 different levels, helping users cook more deliciously and at precise, suitable temperatures for each dish. In addition, thanks to dividing the heat range into different high and low levels, the Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker is also capable of keeping food warm extremely effectively. This feature will really be very useful for braised and stewed dishes.

Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker with 3 cooking zones: Modern technology, convenient for every kitchen
Modern features and technology of the Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker with 3 cooking zones (Photo: Bosch).
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2.4. Perfect Fry frying sensor

The Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker is integrated with the Perfect Fry sensor function with a design of 5 different frying levels, helping users automatically adjust the temperature for dishes to achieve the most suitable temperature.

2.5. Auto Start identifies the cooking zone automatically

With this feature, users just need to place the pot on any kitchen area, and the stove will automatically identify and display the lights in that kitchen area. At this point, everyone just needs to choose the heat level and start cooking the dish as quickly as possible. With its extremely sensitive and smart touch feature, the Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker will definitely be an effective assistant, helping users optimize cooking time extremely well as well as avoid turning on the wrong cooking area. .

2.6. Automatic timer

In every family meal today, braised or stewed dishes are quite popular dishes. To cook these dishes, users will have to cook for quite a long time. So, with the automatic cooking timer function, the Bosch PID651DC5E kitchen appliance will definitely be a savior for everyone in this case.

With this feature, users will not need to stand and watch for a long time to turn off the stove. Each cooking zone on the stove can be set to a different cooking time. When the set time reaches, the induction cooker will automatically turn off and a sound will be emitted to notify you.

Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker with 3 cooking zones: Modern technology, convenient for every kitchen
Bosch PID651DC5E 3-zone induction cooker possesses safety features (Photo: Bosch).
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2.7. Bosch PID651DC5E 3-zone induction cooker possesses safety features

  • Child lock: This feature is installed automatically or manually, helping to avoid the unfortunate situation of children, cats, mice, etc. accidentally touching the stove or changing the cooking settings on the control panel. controlled in advance, helping to ensure everyone’s safety.
  • 2-level residual heat warning (H/h): This feature is integrated on the Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker to help people avoid touching hot kitchen areas even when the stove is turned off. When the induction cooker surface is still hot, the letter “H” will appear to warn that the stovetop is in an extremely hot state, and when the “h” indicator light indicates a lower level of heat. This feature is very useful to help users be safer when cleaning the kitchen.

3. Price of Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker

Currently, the Bosch PID651DC5E 3-zone induction cooker on the market is priced at about 14 million VND. This is not a cheap price for many families in Vietnam. But with many special features combined with a luxurious exterior design, this price is completely suitable.

Overall, the Bosch PID651DC5E induction cooker has an eye-catching, modern appearance and is equipped with many smart utility features such as 2-level residual heat warning, temperature control, anti-overflow… Then this device It will definitely be a choice worth considering for those who want to buy an induction cooker.

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