Benefits of Aqua Inverter 646 liter refrigerator AQR-S682XA(SLB)

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Aqua Inverter refrigerator 646 liters AQR-S682XA(SLB) not only has advanced food preservation technology but also integrates many modern utility features. Join to learn more about these useful features.

1. Aqua Inverter refrigerator 646 liters AQR-S682XA(SLB) uses a 95° storage tray to limit breakage

One of the common problems encountered when opening the refrigerator door is bottles falling or spilling, causing food waste or the risk of accidents. For many families, this is always a headache when using the refrigerator. However, with the new 95° tray design of the Aqua AQR-S682XA(SLB) refrigerator, this situation will be resolved satisfactorily. The sturdiness and stability of the tray will help the bottles stand firmly. This means that your family can safely open the cabinet door or move the cabinet without causing unwanted accidents.

2. Energy-saving LED lighting system

If you are looking for a refrigerator that is not only capable of preserving food but also provides a convenient usage experience, then this refrigerator’s LED lighting will be a feature you should consider. With soft and natural light, LED lights make it easy to see and reach food without having to turn on room lights or increase light from other sources. In low light conditions such as at night or when the space around the refrigerator is not bright enough, you can still store food easily.

In particular, the LED light system of the Aqua Inverter AQR-S682XA(SLB) refrigerator does not create heat so it does not affect the temperature inside the refrigerator. Foods stored in the refrigerator are not affected by light, so they are always fresh, without losing nutrients or changing shape. In addition, this LED light also saves energy. They consume less energy than traditional lamps, reducing monthly electricity costs and protecting the environment at the same time.

Benefits of Aqua Inverter 646 liter refrigerator AQR-S682XA(SLB)
Aqua Inverter 646 liters AQR-S682XA(SLB) has indirect and multi-directional cooling function (photo: dienmayxanh).
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3. Aqua Inverter 646 liters AQR-S682XA(SLB) has indirect and multi-directional cooling function

This is a unique feature that the Aqua 646 liter AQR-S682XA(SLB) refrigerator will bring to users. With the indirect cooling system, cold air will be circulated evenly inside the refrigerator. The cold air flow will not radiate in one direction but distribute evenly to every corner of the cabinet. Thanks to that, there is no area where the temperature does not reach, no food is not exposed to cold air. Sensitive foods such as vegetables, fruits and frozen foods will be stored for a long time.

Furthermore, this feature also contributes to preserving the freshness and nutrients of food. No matter where you place your food, you can rest assured that it will maintain the best quality.

4. Holiday mode

When you have to leave home for a long time, the refrigerator operating in normal modes will cause many problems, especially problems related to electricity. With the Holiday function, you can feel secure when you are away because when this mode is activated, the refrigerator will automatically adjust the temperature to an optimal level, low enough to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria. but without wasting energy.

Benefits of Aqua Inverter 646 liter refrigerator AQR-S682XA(SLB)
Aqua Inverter refrigerator 646 liters AQR-S682XA(SLB) has an external touch control panel (photo: dienmayxanh).
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5. Aqua Inverter refrigerator 646 liters AQR-S682XA(SLB) has external touch control panel

With the touch control panel located on the outside of the refrigerator, users can easily use the features without having to open the door, saving time and energy. Each feature on the control panel is designed and displayed clearly and easily, helping users interact with the refrigerator in the most intuitive and convenient way.

The LED screen on the control panel will display the temperature inside the refrigerator. Users can monitor and adjust to ensure food is stored in ideal conditions, keeping it fresh and safe for health. In addition, users can also choose the appropriate cold level for foods or cool drinks according to personal preferences.

6. Shelves made of tempered glass

Shelves are an indispensable component in every refrigerator. For the shelf to be durable, it must be made from materials with high bearing capacity. With shelves made of tempered glass like in the case of the Side By Side Aqua AQR-S682XA(SLB) refrigerator, users can rest assured to preserve heavy foods safely and effectively.

Tempered glass is a material that brings many benefits, the first of which is high durability. Tempered glass is lighter in weight and less prone to cracking than other materials such as plastic and metal. It can withstand the weight of heavy foods without breaking or being damaged.

At the same time, this refrigerator’s tempered glass shelves are also very flexible. They are removable, helping users easily arrange food in the refrigerator. Removing the shelf also makes the cleaning process easier. You can remove dirt from every corner without much effort.

Benefits of Aqua Inverter 646 liter refrigerator AQR-S682XA(SLB)
LED lighting system of Aqua Inverter AQR-S682XA(SLB) refrigerator (photo: dienmayxanh).
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Aqua Inverter refrigerator 646 liters AQR-S682XA(SLB) not only meets the needs of food preservation but also has many smart and convenient utilities. These features can reduce the level of work and optimize the user experience.

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