Aqua washing machine with inverter front door 8.5kg AQD-D850EW: Price only 4 million VND but very ‘luxurious – genuine – smooth’

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Although it has a horizontal door design with a moderate washing load, the Aqua Inverter 8.5kg AQD-D850EW washing machine has a very cheap price of just over 4 million VND, a worthy choice for families with limited finances. narrow but love the front-load washing machine with its stable cleaning ability.

1. Price of Aqua Inverter 8.5kg AQD-D850EW washing machine

Listed genuine selling price of Aqua Inverter washing machine 8.5kg AQD-D850EW is 10,490,000 VND. But in fact, the current selling price of the product is much cheaper than 5 years ago with the lowest price being only 4,005,000 VND (updated until May 21, 2024) according to data from the price comparison system. of

For a front-load washing machine product with a washing capacity of 8.5kg for a family of 3-5 members, this is a very cheap price, worthy of investment, especially for those with limited finances. Compared to other 8.5 kg front-load washing machine products on the market today with prices ranging from over 6.5 million, the Aqua AQD-D850EW washing machine is not only cheaper, but also possesses a series of impressive, suitable features. Suitable for families with young children, apartment dwellers and busy people.

Aqua washing machine with inverter front door 8.5kg AQD-D850EW: Price only 4 million VND but very
Aqua Inverter 8.5kg front-load washing machine AQD-D850EW (Photo: Dien may Xanh)
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2. Series of outstanding features of the Aqua Inverter 8.5kg AQD-D850EW washing machine

If your family has 3-5 members and has light to normal laundry needs Aqua washing machine AQD-D850EW is the optimal choice in the low price segment. Of course, for families with fewer members but a lot of laundry needs, the machine can still respond well and economically. Let’s explore the outstanding features of the Aqua AQD-D850EW washing machine model below:

2.1 The horizontal door design is beautiful and not outdated

Aqua Inverter 8.5kg AQD-D850EW horizontal drum washing machine was manufactured in 2019 in Vietnam with a white monolithic outer shell that is delicate, elegant, and simple, so it does not become outdated over time. The washing machine door is made of transparent tempered glass, making it easy to observe the washing cycle inside.

With new improvements in larger washing drum size up to 525mm, the device is better able to clean clothes and reduce tangles. At the same time, it is more convenient for users to put thick clothes and cotton blankets into the washing drum without difficulty.

Aqua washing machine with inverter front door 8.5kg AQD-D850EW: Price only 4 million VND but very
Design of washing drum larger than 525mm (Photo: Dien May Xanh)
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2.2 Smoother operation with dual direct drive motors and DD Inverter technology

A special point that many consumers are interested in and especially love Aqua Inverter 8.5kg AQD-D850EW Compared to other products in its price range, it is a combination of a high-end technology duo: Direct drive motor and DD Inverter technology. Thanks to this, the washing machine operates more smoothly, reduces vibration, and is very suitable for homes with young children, people living in apartments or busy people who can flexibly do laundry according to their free time without affects everyone around. This is something that not all cheap washing machines can do.

Aqua washing machine with inverter front door 8.5kg AQD-D850EW: Price only 4 million VND but very
Dual duo of direct drive motors and DD Inverter technology (Photo: Dien May Xanh)
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2.3 Optimal spinning ability up to 1400 rpm helps shorten drying time

Besides the advantages of design and engine, this product is also highly appreciated for its good spinning ability with a maximum speed of up to 1400 rpm (this is the best level on front-load washing machines today). ). Thanks to that, your clothes will be mixed and dried more effectively.

2.4 Meet all washing needs with 17 flexible modes

Although it has a cheap price of only 4 million VND Aqua horizontal drum washing machine 8.5kg AQD-D850EW continues to impress consumers with the number of washing programs built into the machine, which is 17 programs. You will be able to wash all types of clothes of family members from: Casual clothes, Woolen clothes, Children’s clothes… to antibacterial washing mode, Quick washing mode for busy people and people with sensitive skin. .

Thanks to this diversity, your clothes will be cleaned better, more effectively and will retain color fastness and fabric durability better.

2.5 Modern and new washing technology

ABT antibacterial door seals limit bacteria from sticking to clothes

Made from antibacterial ABT material, the door seal of this Aqua washing machine has the ability to limit mold and bacteria that cause odors and keep the washing machine area always clean and fragrant.

Pillow washing drum does not fray fabric or thread even when subjected to strong friction

Aqua Inverter 8.5kg AQD-D850EW washing machine is equipped with a stainless steel Pillow washing drum with many small drainage holes and a pillow-shaped design that not only increases the friction area with clothes when washing but also limits There is a risk that the fabric will get caught in the water spray hole, causing scratches and thread loss.

Aqua washing machine with inverter front door 8.5kg AQD-D850EW: Price only 4 million VND but very
Pillow washing drum (Photo: Dien May Xanh)
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Modern hot water washing technology keeps clothes clean and smooth

With the hot water washing function on this device, clothes will be safely disinfected, better protecting the health of family members. Not only that, when washing with hot water, your clothes will also reduce unsightly wrinkles and avoid excess detergent residue that causes itching.

3. User reviews about the quality of the Aqua AQD-D850EW washing machine

In the price range of about 4 million VND Aqua Inverter 8.5kg horizontal drum washing machine AQD-D850EW It is worth experiencing, especially for families of 3-5 members with limited finances, young people, busy people… Not only is the price reasonable, the device is also equipped with many washing technologies and high conveniences. level is not inferior to other high-end versions on the market today.

In addition, in terms of effective electricity saving, Aqua Inverter 8.5kg AQD-D850EW saves electricity quite well compared to products in the same price range with an average consumption efficiency of up to 15.3 Wh/kg. But compared to more advanced versions, this consumption level is not optimal.

If you are still wondering about the true quality of the product, you can see more reviews of the Aqua AQD-D850EW washing machine from customers who have purchased and used the washing machine, summarized below:

Aqua washing machine with inverter front door 8.5kg AQD-D850EW: Price only 4 million VND but very
Customer reviews about the Aqua AQD-D850EW washing machine (Photo: Dien may Xanh)
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Aqua washing machine with inverter front door 8.5kg AQD-D850EW: Price only 4 million VND but very
Review of Aqua AQD-D850EW washing machine (Photo: Dien may Xanh)
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Most consumers are satisfied with the product’s cleaning ability, energy saving and smoothness. However, there are still feedbacks about the machine’s noise level being not good after long periods of use and its drying ability being unstable. Because it is a cheap product, you can consider more to make a decision that suits your needs and personal finances.

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